Vision and Mission



To become a leading study program with a competitive advantage in the global perspective of Islamic business and banking.

The vision above contains the following meaning.

  1. The vision statement related to "leading" means that graduates of the Islamic Economics STIE Perbanas Surabaya are able to excel in job competition both at local, national and international levels as shown by the ability of graduates to work, especially in sharia-based business and banking organizations. In addition, the excellence of the Islamic Economics Study Program is also shown by the ability of Islamic Economics Study Program lecturers to produce research published in internationally reputable journals cited by other researchers at the international level.
  2. Competitive advantages in the business and banking sector are specific advantages that differentiate Islamic Economics STIE Perbanas Surabaya from other universities because it is under the auspices of an institution that has specific advantages in this field, supported by very adequate resources, and recognition from the business and industry world. banking.
  3. "Global insight" in the vision means that the Islamic Economics Study Program wants to be a study program that is taken into account at the East Java, National and International levels, especially Southeast Asia in 2035. The Study Program embodies a global vision in strategic plans in the fields of teaching, research and service community and cooperation with universities or other institutions.
  4. Having a global perspective also implies that the Islamic Economics Study Program of STIE Perbanas Surabaya aspires to produce graduates (both in terms of academics and character), innovative works, carries out community service activities, collaborates and implements a global-oriented management system. enabling them to compete in a competitive life and with a very high degree of interdependence between nations (global). It is hoped that the graduates of Islamic Economics STIE Perbanas Surabaya will not only be able to excel at the domestic and national levels, but also at the regional and international levels of Southeast Asia. Lecturers of Islamic Economics STIE Perbanas Surabaya are required to be able to produce research work, community service and other innovative works that have received national and international recognition.


The mission of the Sharia Economics Study Program is

  1. Organizing education and teaching in the field of sharia business with excellence in business and sharia banking with a global perspective.
  2. Carrying out quality research and community service in the field of sharia business with a global perspective, which can contribute to the development of knowledge with excellence in sharia business and banking in order to improve people's welfare.
  3. Establishing sustainable cooperation with various related agencies, both at home and abroad in the context of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
  4. Perform management arrangements that create an academic atmosphere that is oriented towards the management of a study program that is healthy, dynamic, welcoming and friendly and has an Islamic character



  1. Produce graduates who:
    1. Mastering and able to apply concepts and theories in the field of Islamic economics with excellence in business and Islamic banking.
    2. Able to analyze and provide problem-solving advice in the field of Islamic economics with excellence in business and Islamic banking.
    3. Have additional knowledge, skills and expertise in the fields of management and Islamic accounting, Arabic and other Islamic financial institution services.
    4. Having a friendly, communicative attitude, leadership spirit and strong personality to support success in social life while adhering to Islamic ethics.
  2. Producing quality research and community service and beneficial for the welfare of society in general.
  3. Realizing healthy management governance, which is based on the culture and values ​​of higher education so as to create a dynamic, welcoming and friendly academic atmosphere.

The Leading Business and Banking School

Kampus Wonorejo : Jl. Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut, Surabaya
Kampus Nginden    : Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36, Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5947151, (031) 5947152, (031) 87863997
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