Profil Dosen

Tjahjani Prawitowati

Dr. Tjahjani Prawitowati, MM., Psikolog
Associate Professor
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University (1990)
  2. Master of Management, Faculty of Economics & Business (Magister Management), Airlangga University (2003)
  3. Doctor in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University (2017)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certified in Technical Competence from the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority  (2017) :
    1. Developing Employee Recruitment Plan
    2. Organizing Candidate Selection
    3. Commiting Performance Management System
    4. Commiting Learning & Development Need Analysis
    5. Implement Effective & Efficient Employee Administration Services
    6. Designing Competency Standard at Work
    7. Developing Remuneration System
  2. Certified in Assessor of Competency from the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority  (2021)
  3. Certified in Manager of Human Resource Management from the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority  (2022)
  4. Certified in General Manager of Human Resource Management from the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority  (2022)
# Professional Training
  1. Training on Assessor Competency, held by Bina Insan Mandiri with the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (2015)
  2. Human Resource Manager Competency, held by Pandawa Consulting (2019)
  3. Up Grading & Recognition Current Competency, held by the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (2021)
  4. Aligning Organizational Goals, Strategy, & Structure, held by Pandawa Consulting (2021)
  5. Indonesian National Work Competency Standards -Based HR Management Series (149-2020): HR Management Strategy and Organization, Competence, Performance & Talent Succession, held by HR WIKIpedia Indonesia (2022)
  6. HR Data Visualization & Dashboard using TABLEAU, held by Bina Insan Mandiri Consulting (2022)
  7. HR Data Analytics: Building HR Decisions  by Using the Analytics, held by  Humanika Consulting (2023).
  8. Improving Literature Review Quality with Bibliometric Analysis, held by Indonesian Science Literacy (2023)
# Professional Experiences
  1. Human Resource Management Consultants (Kartika Management Consultants, a division of KAP. Drs. J. Tanzil & Co) (1991 – 2002)
  2. Human Resources Manager (Kartika Management Consultants, a division of KAP. Drs. J. Tanzil & Co) (1994 – 1998).
  3. Consultant in Human Resource Management Area  (2002 – Now)
  4. Trainer in Human Resources Management Area (2002 – Now)
  5. Trainer in Windows of Work Program (2012 – Now)
  6. Assessor of Professional Competency for Human Resource Management Area (2015 – Now)
  7. Trainer in Employee Engagement Development (2017 – Now)
  8. Trainer in Organizational Citizenship Behavior Development  (2017 – Now)
# Organizational experience
  1. Member of Internal Auditor  Team (2018 – now)
  2. Student Counselor (2020 – 2023)
  3. Reviewer  of  Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy- Ventura (2012 – now)
# Expertise
  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Organizational Behavior
  3. Performance & Talent Management
  4. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  5. Employee Competency Assessment
  6. Employee Engagement Development
  7. Organizational Citizenship Behavior Development
# Award & Recognition
  1. Best Presenter Seminar on Competitive Grant Research Results  (Directorate General of Higher Education) (2012)
  2. Assessor for Human Resources Management Certification (for Staff, Supervisor, Manager  and General Manager Level),  (LSP. MSDM Nusantara) (2015 – Now)
# Publication
  1. Mochammad Nurhadi, Tatik Suryani, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Lutfi. (2011). Information System Development of Competence-Based Appraisal in Higher Education Institution. IAMURE: International Association of Multidisciplinary Research Journal. 1 (1), 96 -115
  2. Tjahjani Prawitowati, Tatik Suryani, Lutfi. (2011). Designing CBA Model of Performance Appraisal System as a Merit Rating for Higher Education Institution. Journal of Economic, Business, and Accountancy (Ventura). 14 (1), 29-44.
  3. Soni Harsono, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Harry Widyantoro, Basuki Rachmat. (2019). Mengembangkan Service Oriented-Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (SOCB) dan Kualitas Layanan (Servqual). Penamas Adi Buana. 3 (2), 63-72
  4. Nurul Hasanah Uswati Dewi , Tjahjani Prawitowati, Luciana Spica Almilia, Lufi Yuwana Mursita. (2019). Peningkatan Life Skill Anak Panti Asuhan Yatim Melalui Pelatihan Komputer dan Job Preparation Pada Yayasan Pendidikan & Penyantunan Anak Yatim (YPPAY) Adinda. Darmabakti : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. 1 (2), 65-73
  5. Soni Harsono, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Harry Widyantoro, Basuki Rahmat. (2020). Service Organizational Citizenship Behavior (SOCB) di Perbankan: Mengelola Kualitas Layanan di Era Milenial. Mitra Wacana Media.
  6. Fadela Bara, Tjahjani Prawitowati. (2020). Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Keterikatan Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Grab di Surabaya. Journal of Business and Banking. 10 (1),  33-52
  7. Soni Harsono, Harry Widyantoro, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Basuki Rachmat. 2020. Positive Impact of Service Quality and SOCB: Implementation and Evaluation From The Perspective of Banking Employees and Customer. Science International-Lahore. 32 (4), 459-464
  8. Soni Harsono, Harry Widyantoro, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Basuki Rachmat. 2020. Perception, Gap and Reflection of Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors from the Perspective of Banking Employees and Customers in Indonesia. Religacion, Revista de Cienciales y Humanidac. 4 (17), 3198-3207
  9. Tjahjani Prawitowati. (2021). Instrumen dan Pemetaan Indikator Customer Citizenship Behavior dan Keterikatan Pelanggan Pada Industri Hospitality di Masa Pandemi. INOBIS: jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia. 5 (1), 85-101
  10. Jodi Syahmirza, Tjahjani Prawitowati. (2022). Peran kreativitas dan keterikatan karyawan sebagai pemediasi pada pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan milenial. INOBIS: jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia. 5 (4), 536 - 552
  11. Iffah Rosyiana, Fajar Riadi Dwi Sasongko, Kendri Wiwin Suryandari, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Marini, Andriansyah Jasman, Emma Yulianti. (2022). Solusi Inovatif Pengelolaan SDM di Masa Krisis: Solusi tepat SDM Kreatif. PT Galaksi Aksara Kita.
  12. Buena Viki , Tjahjani Prawitowati. (2023). Pengaruh Keterikatan Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Kontekstual, Perilaku Pesan Positif Dan Negatif Pada Karyawan Milenial Perusahaan Di Jawa Timur. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal.  4(5), 4177-4189
  13. Ya’kub Hamdani, Tjahjani Prawitowati. (2023). Pengaruh Pengelolaan SDM Sistem Kerja Kinerja Tinggi Terhadap Kinerja Kontekstual Dengan Mediasi Keterikatan Karyawan Milenial Perusahaan Di Jawa Timur. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal.  4(5),  4290-4302
  14. Muchammad Syarwani Abdan, Tjahjani Prawitowati. (2023). Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Kompensasi, Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Multifortuna Sinardelta. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal.  4(5),  4312-4321

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