Profil Dosen

Soni Harsono

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Prof. Dr. Drs. Soni Harsono., M.Si
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Palangka Raya (1990)
  2. Master of Science, Faculty of Economics, University Airlangga Surabaya (2000)
  3. Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (2012)
#  Professional Certification
  1. Certificate of Competence in Strategic Marketing from Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (2018)
  2. Certificate of higher education research quality assurance system from Gadjah Mada University (2013)
# Professional Training
  1. Workshop on higher education research quality assurance systems (2013)
  2. Training for Trainer on General Banking, held by the Indonesian Bankir Association (IBI) (2014)
# Professional Experiences
  1. Management of the Indonesian Economist Association 2019-2022
  2. General Secretary of the Indonesian Economist Association Surabaya 2019 -2022
  3. Member of the Indonesian Marketing Academy (IMARC)
  4. Chairman of Penerbitan Berkat Foundation 2019-2022
  5. Chairman of the Indonesian Economist Association Surabaya 2019 -2022
# Organizational experience
  1. Vice Rector for Student and Cooperation UHW Perbanas (2021 – 2023)
  2. Vice Rector for Research and Community STIE Perbanas (2018 – 2021)
  3. Head of Division Research and Community STIE Perbanas (2012 – 2018)
  4. Dean of Faculty of Economics Universitas Putra Bangsa Surabaya (2006-2008)
  5. Dean of Faculty of Economics Universitas Putra Bangsa Surabaya (2003-2006)
  6. Vice Dean of Faculty of Economics, Universitas Putra Bangsa Surabaya (2001- 2003)
# Expertise
  1. Marketing Management
  2. Consumer Behavior
  3. Services Marketing Management
# Publication
  1. S Harsono. (2013). Pengaruh harga, nilai manfaat, dan kualitas terhadap kepuasan pelanggan handphone blackberry di Surabaya. Journal of Business & Banking 3 (2), 135-150
  2. TG Pawitra, S Harsono. (2013). Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Kepuasan Emosional Terhadap Kualitas Hubungan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan KFC Di Surabaya. Journal of Business and Banking 3 (1), 17-30
  3. S Harsono. (2015).The institution image and trust and their effect on the positive word of mouth. International Research Journal of Business Studies 7 (1)
  4. Prasetyo, H. A., & Harsono, S. (2015). Pengaruh kesadaran merek dan diskon harga terhadap niat pembelian dengan mediasi citra Restoran Seafood New Javana di Surabaya. Journal of Business & Banking5(1), 13-32.
  5. Awan, S. H. (2015). DJ Model: A Model of Service Recovery for Student Satisfaction Using Distributive, Interactional and Procedural Approaches. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences1(1), 967-982.
  6. Awan, S. H. (2016). Building Batik SMES Customers' Using Personal Image and Brand Image. International Journal of Apllied Business and Economic Research14(14), 10551-10564.
  7. S Harsono, H Widyantoro, T Prawitowati, B Rahmat. (2017). The development of service quality model as a criterion in selecting the banks in Indonesia. Polish Journal of Management Studies 15
  8. Prabawati, D. K. Y., & Harsono, S. (2017). Strategi pemasaran jasa transportasi taksi konvensional menghadapi persaingan jasa transportasi berbasis aplikasi online di Surabaya. Journal of Business & Banking7(1), 105-124.
  9. S Harsono, S Perdana, DB Riyadi. (2018). The influence of brand image, brand trust, perceived quality and perceived value on consumer purchase intention at different categories of product. Advanced Science Letters 24 (5), 3198-3207
  10. S Harsono. (2018). Service Recovery and Its Effect on Students Satisfaction, Trust, and WOM Communication. International Research Journal of Business Studies (IRJBS) 11 (2), 93-112
  11. FA Rozaq, H Soni. (2018). The effect of brand image and service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty of IPhone users in Surabaya. Russian Journal Of Agricultural And Socio-Economic Sciences 79 (7), 261-269
  12. TR Makamuri, S Harsono. (2018). The effect of trust and service quality on loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction at pt bank nusa tenggara timur, waingapu branch office, indonesia. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management 9
  13. Widjanarko, G. L., & Harsono, S. (2019). Kesadaran merek, citra merek, persepsi terhadap kualitas dan pengaruhnya terhadap niat beli sepeda motor Honda Vario di Surabaya. Journal of Business & Banking9(1), 19-35.
  14. S Harsono, H Widyantoro, T Prawitowati, B Rachmad. (2019). Perception, Gap and Reflection of S-OOCBs Dimensions and Their Influence on Servqual From the Perspective of Banking Employees and Customers in Indonesia. Religación. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades 4
  15. Harsono, S., Widyantoro, H., Prawitowati, T., & Rachmat, B. (2021). Service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior, service quality and customer citizenship behavior: comparison of implementation and evaluation from the perspective of bank customers. Market/Trziste33(1).
  16. E Herlina, G Hudiwinarsih, SH Awan, Z Zakiah. (2021). Peningkatan Kemampuan Wirausaha dengan Pendampingan dan Pemberdayaan Kelompok Usaha Sablon “Salam” Melalui Strategi Pemasaran Modern & Job Order Costing. Jurnal Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KeDayMas) 1 (1), 25-34
  17. Harsono, S. (2021). Interaksi antara kualitas layanan dan socb terhadap kepuasan serta hubungananya dengan loyalitas nasabah pada bank konvensional dan syariah. Jurnal Dimensi10(3), 527-542.
  18. Saktiawan, P. D., & Harsono, S. (2021). The Effect of Performance, Price Perception, Brand Image, and Brand Association on Purchase Decision of Honda CBR150R in Surabaya. Philippine Social Science Journal4(1), 97-107.
  19. Sari, D., Harsono, S. (2023). Analysis of the Shopee E-commerce Application Using the Delone and Mclean Models. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research7(1), 96-110.

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