Profil Dosen

Soni Agus Irwandi

 Dr. Soni Agus Irwandi, SE.,Ak, M.Si, CA. ACPA
 Associate Professor
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Indonesian Islamic University (1999)
  2. Master of Science Accounting, Faculty of Business, Diponegoro University, Indonesia (2000)
  3. Professional Program in Accounting degree, Faculty of Business, Diponegoro University, Indonesia (2014)
  4. Doctor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, Indonesia (2019)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certified in Chartered Accountant from Indonesia Accountant Associate (2014)
  2. Certified Professional Accountant from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance)(2014)
  3. Certified in ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant from ASEAN Chartered Accountant(2019)
# Professional Training
  1. Training for Trainers to assist the land rehabilitation movement, Ministry of Forestry (2005 – 2007).
  2. Diploma 1 Junior Programmer, Integrated Computer Laboratory Universitas Gadjah Mada (2004-2005)
# Professional Experiences
  1. Managing Partners of accounting services officer (KJA), Ministry of Finance, Indonesia (2016 - until now)
  2. Practicing accountant (AB) from Indonesia Accountant Association (2016 - until now )
  3. Member of Management Consulting at Akutara Consulting (2015 – until now).
  4. Facilitator of Farmers Group Assistance GNRHL Program, Forestry and Plantation Service,  DI.Yogyakarta (2005 – 2007)
# Organizational Experiences
  1. Head of Accounting Laboratory (interim), STIE Perbanas Surabaya (2012).
  2. Deputy coordinator of research and publication dissemination at public accounting lecturer forum (2023 – 2026).
  3. Assistant District Coordinator of the Election Monitoring Team of the Rector's Forum, Kulon Progo Regency (2009).
  4. Staff & co-Field Supervisor (Batch 28 – 35), at the directorate of Research and community service of Universitas Islam Indonesia. UII (2004 = 2009)
# Expertise
  1. Fraud
  2. Behavior Accounting
  3. Accounting Public Sector
  4. Accounting system Information
  5. Governance and Professional Ethics
# Awards & Recognitions
  1. Ministry of Indonesia Higher Education Scholarship (BPPS) for Doctor in Accounting at Faculty of Business, Diponegoro University (2012 -2015)
  2. lecturer performance assessor, Ministry of Higher Education Indonesia (2022 – until now)
  3. Reviewer and Discussor at the XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV National Symposium on Accounting. XXVI. ( 2019 - 2023) .
  4. Reviewer and Discussor of the VIII, IX Regional Accounting Regional Conventions in East Java (2020 - 2022).
  5. Reviewer Journal of Financial Services Marketing, publisher Palgrave Macmillan, Scopus index Q3.
  6. Journal reviewer Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, publisher index DOAJ and Copernicus.
  7. Reviewer – at the Journal of Accounting and Business Dynamics (JDAB). - Accreditation B Dikti and SINTA 2 (Publisher of FEB University of Syiah Kuala - DI Aceh).
  8. Reviewer – in the Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Venture (JEBAV). - Accreditation B Dikti and SINTA 2 (PPPM Publisher – Perbanas Surabaya).
  9. Reviewer – in the Journal of Accounting and Investment (JAI). - Accreditation B Dikti and SINTA 2 (Publisher of FEB University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta).
  10. Reviewer – in the Accounting and Finance Review-Journal (JRAK). - Accreditation B Dikti and SINTA 2 (Publisher of FEB University of Muhammadiyah Malang).
  11. Reviewer - in the Journal of Accounting and Tax Research (JRAP) – SINTA 3 and (Publisher of the Pancasila University Masters of Accounting, Jakarta).
  12. Reviewer – Journal of The Indonesia Accounting Review (TIAR). - Accreditation B Dikti and SINTA 2 (Publisher of Bachelor of Accounting – PPPM Perbanas Surabaya).
  13. Reviewer - Benefita Journal - Accreditation of Dikti B and SINTA 3 (Publishers of LLDIKTI 10, West Sumatra Region, Riau, Riau Islands, and Jambi).
  14. Reviewer - in Soediraman Accounting Review (SAR) Journal – SINTA 3 Accreditation (FEB Publisher – UNSOED -Purwokerto Central Java
# Publications
  1. Irwandi, S. A. (2008). Analisis Variabel-Variabel Predictors Job Insecurity Terhadap Turnover Intentions. Jurnal optimal6(1), 49-62.
  2. Irwandi, S. A. (2011). Antecedents Perilaku Minat Pemanfaatan Dan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Enterprise Resources Planing (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Pemakai Program Mysap Financial. Jurnal Akuntansi Aktual1(2), 119-128.
  3. Imelda, P., & Irwandi, S. A. (2011). Rancangan Persediaan Bahan Baku dengan Menggunakan Metode EOQ Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Rokok Ketapang Jaya Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. The Indonesian Accounting Review1(2), 97-106.
  4. Irwandi, S. A. (2013). Analisis budaya organisasional dan konflik peran terhadap kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi (Studi pada Kantor Akuntan Publik). Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan3(1).    
  5. Akbar, T., & Irwandi, S. A. (2014). Partisipasi penetapan tujuan perusahaan sebagai variabel prediktor terhadap kinerja manajerial. Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 5(2), 219-231.
  6. Wijayanti, H., Irwandi, S. A., & Ahmar, N. (2014). Pengaruh Manajemen Laba Riil Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Pendekatan Arus Kas Operasi. Jurnal Economia10(1), 11-23.
  7. Akbar, T., & Irwandi, S. A. (2014). Antecedents of Goal Setting Participation: Enhancing Managerial Performance. STIE Multi Data Palembang, 135.
  8. Irwandi, S. A., & Akbar, T. (2015). Goal-setting participation as strategic measurement performance for enhancing managerial performance through procedural fairness and interpersonal trust. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura17(3), 353-364.
  9. Shahib, H. M., & Irwandi, S. A. (2016). Violation regulation of financial services authority (FSA), financial performance, and corporate social responsibility disclosure. Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura19(1), 141-154
  10. Putri, P. A. A., & Irwandi, S. A. (2017). The determinants of accounting fraud tendency. The Indonesian Accounting Review6(1), 99-108.
  11. Ahmar, N., Pujiati, D., & Irwandi, S. A. (2018). Horizontal Link, Vertical Link, and Mixed Link: Investigation on Model of Business Strategy Development in Public Companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)9(1).
  12. Irwandi, S. A. and Pamungkas, I. D. (2020). Determinants of financial reporting quality: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of International Studies, 13(2), 25-33.
  13. Irwandi, S. A., Ghozali, I., & Pamungkas, I. D. (2019). Detection fraudulent financial statement: Beneish M-score model. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics16(1), 271-281.
  14. Caroline, C., Sugiyanto, F. X., Kurnia, A. S., & Irwandi, S. A. (2019). Local indicators of spatial association (LISA) of Indonesian workers. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura22(2), 177-192.
  15. Utomo, M. N., Rahayu, S., Kaujan, K., & Irwandi, S. A. (2020). Environmental performance, environmental disclosure, and firm value: empirical study of non-financial companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange. Green Finance2(1), 100-113.
  16. Irwandi, S. A., Ghozali, I., & Pamungkas, I. D. (2020). Can Environment Uncertainty Risk and Environment of Management Accounting System Affect Managerial Performance?. Calitatea21(177), 31-37.
  17. Irwandi, S. A., & Wardhani, T. A. A. (2021). Menguak Adanya Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Biaya Lingkungan. JAKA (Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Auditing)2(2).
  18. Samekto, A., Irwandi, S. A., Arlinda, R., Nahumury, J., Ivonialita, V., & Anisa, I. A. (2022). Characteristics Of Management Accounting Information Systems, Participation In Budgeting, Business Strategy And Environmental Uncertainty On Managerial Performance. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis11(04), 560-568.
  19. Irwandi, S. A., Samekto, A., & Pujiati, D. (2022). Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Dengan Pendekatan Job Order Pada Usaha Percetakan. Abdimas Unwahas7(2).
  20. Irwandi, S. A., Pujiati, D., Nita, R. A., Shonhadji, N., Nabilah, S., & Maulana, H. O. (2023). Softlifting in College: Cheating or Forgiving. The Indonesian Accounting Review13(2).
  21. Andriansyah, E., & Irwandi, S. A. (2023). Pengumuman Invasi Rusia Ke Ukraina Dan Dampaknya Pada Reaksi Pasar Di Sub Sektor Makanan Dan Minuman. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)4(4), 3101-3109.
  22. Shonhadji, N., Salman, K. R., Soebijanto, A., Africa, L. A., Aprilia, S. E., Irwandi, S. A., & IMM, N. S. (2023). Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Penerapan Dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Masjid Al Ikhas Surabaya Berdasarkan ISAK 35. Jurnal KeDayMas: Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat3(1), 12-24.
  23. Irwandi, S. A., Kholid, I., Tianto, R., Putri, A. H., Laily, Z., Yohana, R., & Nahumury, J. (2023). Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Penerapan Sistim Informasi Akuntansi Penerimaan Kas Pada UMKM. Jurnal KeDayMas: Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat3(1), 40-50.
  24. Shonhadji, N., Africa, L. A., Tianto, R., Kholid, I., & Irwandi, S. A. (2023). Program Pengabdian Masyarakat: Penyusunan Modul Laboratorium Akuntansi Perbankan pada Transaksi Simpanan Nasabah. Jurnal KeDayMas: Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat3(2), 1-13.

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