Opinion Corner
Author: Meliza Silvi., SE.,M.Si., CFP, AWP. (Dosen Prodi Sarjana Manajemen) It's been 2-3 weeks we have done physical distancing… the Government will even implement the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions). This regulation was enfo... Detail
Author: Rohmad Fuad Armansyah, SE., M.Si. dan Moch. Bisyri Effendi, S.Si., M.Si. Payment transactions have progressed in line with current technological developments. Technological advances in the payment system have repla... Detail
Sometime ago, Faisal Basri spread a vlog that the Insurance Law, which was issued ahead of the end of SBY's second presidential term in 2014, mandated the formation of a policy guarantee no later than 2017. In fact, it is a bit unfortunate that the Jiwasraya case goes to the political area that seems to ... Detail
Abdul Mongid Professor of STIE Perbanas Surabaya The successive failures of several insu... Detail
The shift in people's choices in choosing transportation for daily mobility has shifted in such a way. Online transportation is a transportation option that is currently widely used by the community. Go-Jek, Uber, and Grab are some of the most popular online transportation in Indonesia because their operational r... Detail