News Campus
The role of women in building the Indonesian nation is undeniable. Many remarkable female figures have achieved success on both national and international stages. This spirit inspired the Center for Applied Business and Management (CABM) at Universi... Detail

Hundreds of people gathered at the central field of Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas on Friday morning (14/2). In addition to campus members, ... Detail

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) has become a desirable pathway for individuals seeking to continue their studies in higher education. Several universities hav... Detail

Starting in 2024, the Surabaya City Government has launched the 1 Family 1 Graduate program for its residents. This initiative is also supported by Universitas Ha... Detail

Universitas Hayam Wuruk (UHW) Perbanas remains committed to cultivating outstanding and resilient graduates. Various initiatives have been implemented from the students' first year, starting with the Harmoni program, followed by par... Detail