News Campus
The digital world has become an integral part of daily life. Communication and information through... Detail
The high unemployment rate among high school graduates remains a significant issue in society. According to data from Indonesia's Central Bureau of Statistics in August 2024, the majority of the open unemployment—2.1 million peo... Detail
The first day of school after the semester break was different at SMAN 20 Surabaya. Hundreds of 12th-grade students gathered in the school auditorium to rece... Detail
The end of 2024 brought great news for Universitas Hayam Wuruk (UHW) Perbanas. Four study programs from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at UHW Perbanas earned accreditation from the International Accreditation Council for Bu... Detail
Universitas Hayam Wuruk (UHW) Perbanas has been classified into the Main Cluster in the 2025 Higher Education Clusteriza... Detail