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Toward International Accreditation: UHW Perbanas Organizes Special Workshop to Discuss IACBE Principle 1.9

Monday, 26 February 2024     View: 484

Surabaya February 23, 2024 - UHW Perbanas held a workshop to discuss Principle 1-9 of IACBE International Accreditation. This workshop is an important momentum in exploring important aspects in gaining international recognition for Departments in the field of business. The workshop presented Mr. Agung Nugroho Lutfi I. F., S.AB., M.Bus.Sys.Pro., Ph.D. and Mrs. Cacik Rut Damayanti, S.Sos. M. Prof. Acc., DBA, CSRS. (Lecturer of Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya). The workshop was opened with remarks from the Rector of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso S.E., M.Si.

The workshop continued with presentation and discussion sessions guided by expert academic speakers and business practitioners. They discussed key aspects of Principle 1.9, including research and scientific publications, intellectual contributions of lecturers, and innovations in learning and curriculum. This workshop activity is the initial foundation for Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas to achieve international accreditation from IACBE, so that it can continue to provide quality and relevant education in the field of business to students.

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