

Excellent!! One of the Informatics Students Created a Simple Program for Reading Al-Qur'an Book Reports During Ramadan Using C++ Programming Language

Friday, 15 April 2022     View: 154174

Creative Informatics – Hello informatics friends, there is new news from one of the informatics students of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University named Mochammad Vaif Dwi Alifkhan, he is reported to have succeeded in making a simple program for the purposes of reporting reading the Qur'an during the month of Ramadan using the C++ programming language. . Wow, that's really cool isn't it?

It's definitely cool. From this, we can see that this student has succeeded in implementing theoretical and practical knowledge related to the C++ programming language taught by his supervisors. Based on news from the supervisor, Mochammad Vaif managed to upload this good and useful work in the material for the first meeting, guys. Wow, this is really cool and it's only been the first week that his work has had tremendous value, even though it's still in a simple black-and-white console/display. I can't imagine if it has been taught by the supervisor to be upgraded to an application.

Talking about Mochammad Vaif, he is a recipient of a Full Scholarship from a program held by Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University in 2021 yesterday. Well, maybe your informatics friend wants to know information about the Full Scholarship, you can see the website https://perbanas.ac.id/, where you can find out information about regular registration and full scholarship programs such as that obtained by Mochammad Vaif.

Back again with this creative informatics student news. After we surveyed, the reason Mochammad Vaif made a simple program in the form of a reading report of the Qur'an, was because he personally often had difficulty remembering pages or chapters that he had previously read. So that this one student analyzes the problems he is experiencing to find a solution. In the end, he applied it to the task given by the lecturer, namely with the command "Create a Simple Program Using C++ Language that Contains Branching and Looping".

This opportunity was taken by Mochammad Vaif to apply the ideas and results of the problem analysis to be implemented in the tasks given by his lecturer. And thank God, this program was successfully created by Mochammad Vaif and the functions displayed in the program also run according to orders, so that he is no longer confused in remembering the pages of reading the Qur'an which he reads every day during the month of Ramadan.

Maybe your informatics friend wants to try the program and see the appearance of the program created by Mochammad Vaif, you can directly check on his personal github account at https://github.com/vaifalifkhan17/Buku-Laporan-Baca-Qur-an.g

To find out more news about creative informatics students, continue to monitor our web updates, friends. Thank you....

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