Lecturer Profile

Sasongko Budisusetyo

Dr. Sasongko Budisusetyo, M.Si., CPA., CPMA.
Associate Professor
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Email: budi@perbanas.ac.id
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#Formal Education
1. Bachelor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University (1993)
2. Master of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University (2005)
3. Doctor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia (2014)
# Profesional Certification
1. Certified Public Accountant, Indonesian Accounting Institute (1999)
2. Certified Professional Management Accountant, Indonesian Accounting Institute (2007)
# Organizational Experiences
1. Vice Rector for Student Affairs, STIE Perbanas (2014 – 2018)
2. Head of Accounting Department, STIE Perbanas (2005-2009)
# Expertise
1. Accounting 
2. Auditing
3. Information System Audit and Control
# Publications
  1. S, Budisusetyo., Luciana, S.A. (2008). Corporate Internet Reporting of Banking Industry and LQ45 Firms: An Indonesia Example, Available at SSRN 1218947, Paper.ssrn.com.
  2. S, Budisusetyo., Luciana, S.A. (2009). The Impact of Internet Financial and Sustainability Reporting on Profitability, Stock Price and Return in Indonesia Stock Exchange, University of The Thai Chamber of Commerce, Ijbejournal.com.
  3. S, Budisusetyo., Luciana, S.A. (2011). Internet Financial Reporting on The Web in Indonesian: Not Just Technical Problem, International Journal of Business Information System, Vol. 8. No. 4, p. 380-395.
  4. S, Budisusetyo., Luciana, S.A. (2008). The Practice of Financial Disclosure on Corporate Website: Case Study in Indonesia, Available at SSRN 1219451, Papers.ssrn.com.
  5. S, Budisusetyo., Luciana, S.A. (2017). Internet Financial Reporting: User Perception in Indonesia, International Journal of Business Information System, Vol. 25. No. 2, p. 241-255
  6. Development of Financial Statement Applications for SMEs based on Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises …, A Nugroho, Y Ermawati, S Budisusetyo - … , and Social Science …, 2019 - atlantis-press.com
  7. Exploring financial and sustainability reporting on the web in Indonesia S Budisusetyo, LS Almilia - Available at SSRN 1219449, 2008 - papers.ssrn.com
  8. Moral character: challenges for auditors in serving public interest S Budisusetyo - Journal of Economics, Business, & …, 2018 - journal.perbanas.ac.id
  9. The Effect of Non-Financial and Financial Factors on the Timeliness of the Submission of Company Annual Financial Statements F Aula, S Budisusetyo - The Indonesian Accounting Review, 2018 - scholar.archive.org
  10. Comparative managerial practice and export potential of small medium enterprises in Indonesia …, P Diptyana, S Budisusetyo… - … and Small Business, 2013 - inderscienceonline.com
  11. An accounting review of athletes in ownership of basketball club assets K Puspitasari, S Budisusetyo, Z Zakiah - The Indonesian Accounting …, 2019 - academia.edu
  12. Mencari Model Pelaporan Informasi Keuangan Perusahaan Berbasis Web S Budisusetyo, LS Almilia - SEMNASTEKNOMEDIA ONLINE, 2013 - ojs.amikom.ac.id
  13. Blockchain in Capital Markets: A Revolution of the Trading System in Stock Exchange …, T Sawarjuwono, S Budisusetyo - The Indonesian …, 2022 - academia.edu
  14. Pengaruh Karakter Moral Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Etis Akuntan Publik Dengan Moderasi Iklim Etis Organisasi dan Intensitas Persaingan Kantor … S Budisusetyo - Disertasi. Universitas Brawijaya, 2014 - repository.ub.ac.id
  15. Searching For A Moral Character: The Genesis Of The Auditor's Duty S Budisusetyo, B Subroto, R Rosidi… - Journal of Economics …, 2013 - journal.perbanas.ac.id
  16. HADRAH ACCOUNTING: AN ETHNOGRAPHIC APPROACH TOWARDS PEOPLE IN BERU, LAMONGAN FHK Emaluta, S Budisusetyo… - Jurnal Akuntansi, 2020 - ejournal.unib.ac.id
  17. Interpretation of the traditional proverb “jer basuki mawa beya” on abnormal audit fees in the context of improving audit quality DD Edtiyarsih, E Sudaryati, S Budisusetyo - The Indonesian Accounting …, 2021 - core.ac.uk
  18. SEARCHING FOR A MORAL CHARACTER: THE GENESIS OF THE AUDITOR'S DUTY S Budisusetyo, B Subroto, R Rosidi, S Solimun - garuda.kemdikbud.go.id

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