Rektor Speech

UHW Perbanas (Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas) is a leading university with good academics. was established by Private National Banking in 1970 in the form of the Academy of Banking Sciences, then in 1982 it became the Academy of Banking and Management Sciences, in 1985 it became the Surabaya Perbanas College of Economics, and in 2021 it became a university in the form of a University.

UHW Perbanas which was built on the basis of quality improvement was launched. This concern for quality is the implementation of a quality management system based on ISO 9001: 2008 certification since 2006, to the current implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System. Recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of governance can be seen from the award received by UHW Perbanas when it was still in the form of a College as the Superior Campus of LLDikti East Java in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Nationally, UHW Perbanas is ranked 67 (2018), 70 (2019), and 85 (2020) out of approximately 4500 universities in Indonesia.

In teaching, UHW Perbanas has developed a competency-based curriculum that refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications framework. This curriculum was developed through a grant from Dikti in 2013. Through this curriculum, the competence of graduates will be in accordance with the competencies required by the industrial world. To support the implementation of this curriculum, UHW Perbanas has collaborated with the Banking Professional Certification Institute (LSPP) to certify in the fields of General Banking and Banking Risk Management, as well as providing various laboratories designed according to industry needs, such as Bank Laboratories, Accounting Laboratories, Laboratory Capital Market, Taxation Laboratory, and Management Laboratory.

UHW Perbanas also builds a strong foundation in the field of research. Recognition of the quality of this research can be seen from various aspects. In 2014 the research area of ​​UHW Perbanas has obtained an increased status from fostered to intermediate. Recognition of the quality of research can also be seen from the success of lecturers in obtaining various research grants from DIKTI, the award as the Best Presenter of the National Competitive Research Results Seminar (Stranas), incentives for writing articles in international journals, and publishing articles in leading citation institutions.

Along with teaching and research, community service is also the main program for the development of UHW Perbanas. We have collaborated with various industries, particularly in providing training for bank employees. Several lecturers were also appointed as experts in various banks. UHW Perbanas is also actively involved in improving the management of small and medium enterprises, whose resources are supported by grants from DIKTI.

In order to realize the global vision and increase the competitiveness of graduates, UHW Perbanas also develops international cooperation. UHW Perbanas has compromised with international institutions, including the Association of South East Asian Higher Learning (ASAIHL), Philippine Association of Institution for Research (PAIR), International Association of Multidisciplinary Research (IAMURE), Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Sri Pathum University Thailand, Hoa Sen University and Vietnam German University from Vietnam, as well as the Business Indonesia Singapore Association (BISA) to support improving the quality of education. UHW Perbanas has developed internship programs abroad as well as company and university visits abroad.

To meet the need for good educational facilities, UHW Perbanas has developed a new two-hectare campus, which is about four kilometers from the current campus. The new campus is designed with a very friendly, environmentally friendly, modern architecture, and is equipped with various excellent educational support facilities. the existence of a new campus, coupled with improving the quality of human resources and governance, will be able to make UHW Perbanas a center of excellence in business and banking education.

UHW Perbanas is a superior campus and continues to grow to achieve its vision and mission. We are happy to invite all of you, whether companies from various industries, parents, prospective students, or other parties to join us and be an important part of our success.

Rector of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University,

Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si.

The Leading Business and Banking School

Kampus Wonorejo : Jl. Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut, Surabaya
Kampus Nginden    : Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36, Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5947151, (031) 5947152, (031) 87863997
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