Lecturer Profile

Romi Ilham

Romi Ilham S.Kom., M.M
Assistant Professor
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Information System, Faculty of Information System, STIKOM Surabaya (2007)
  2. Master of Management, Faculty of Business, Universitas Airlangga (2009)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certificate in Applied Approach (AA) (2011)
  2. Certificate in Improve Basic Skill of Instructional Techniques (PEKERTI) (2011)
  3. Certificate of Accomplishment SAP Overview Edugate (2009)
  4. Certificate of Accomplishment SAP Financial Edugate (2015)
# Professional Training
  1. -
# Professional Experiences
  1. Member of Perhimpunan Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia (PMSM) (2020 sd 2023)
  2. Member of Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII) (2021 sd 2023)
# Organizational Experience
  1. -
# Expertise
  1. Management Information Systems
  2. Digital Business
  3. Human-Computer Interaction
# Award & Recognition
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# Publications
  1. Ilham, R. (2018). The Impact of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 6(1), 50–53. https://doi.org/10.18178/joams.6.1.50-53
  2. Ilham, R. (2021). An analysis of increasing social commerce intention in selling taboo items ( A case study on social commerce in Indonesia ). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 2(6), 2–12.
  3. Ilham, R., Shonhadji, N., Yutanto, H., &Ekaningtyas, D. (2020). Analysis of the Acceptance Factor of Android-Based Parking Information Systems in Indonesia. Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina, 22(2), 97–106. https://doi.org/10.26552/com.C.2020.2.97-106
  4. Ilham, R., &Siregar, C. S. (2021). Can Instagram convince information to users? Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 20(2), 117–133. https://doi.org/10.12695/jmt.2021.20.2.2
  5. Yutanto, H., Shonhadj, N., Ilham, R., &Ekaningtias, D. (2018). Development of parking accounting information systems based smartphone in Indonesia. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(8), 1013–1022. https://iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/Journal_uploads/IJCIET/VOLUME_9_ISSUE_8/IJCIET_09_08_103.pdf

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