Lecturer Profile

Putri Wulanditya

Dr. Putri Wulanditya, S.E., M.Ak. CPSAK
Assistant Professor
Scopus ID
Email: putri@perbanas.ac.id
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Accounting, STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Indonesia (2003)
  2. Master of Accounting, Faculty of of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (2008)
  3. Doctor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia (2018)
# Profesional Certification
  1. Certified in Statement of Accounting Standards from the Chartered Accountant Indonesia (2014)
  2. Certified in Professional Financial Report Analyst from Revolution Mind Indonesia (2023)
# Professional Training
  1. Training Financial Accounting Standard, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2014)
  2. Training of Trainer Village Fund Accounting, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2016)
  3. Training Chartered Accountant, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2018)
  4. Training Financial Fraud Detection, Association Certified Fraud Examiners (2020)
  5. Training Developing Effective Whistleblowing System, Association Certified Fraud Examiners (2022)
# Professional Experiences
  1. Chief Accounting in PT. Harumdana Berjangka, Indonesia (2007)
  2. Finance Staff in PT. Kedawung Setia Industrial, Tbk., Indonesia (2008)
  3. Accounting Lecturer in LP3I College, Surabaya, Indonesia (2009 – 2010)
  4. Financial Accounting and Business Ethics Consultant (2021 - now)
  5. Accounting Lecturer in Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Indonesia (2011 – now)
# Organizational Experience
  1. Secretary of Diploma Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Univesitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (2016 - 2018)
  2. Vice Chairman of Center for Research and Prevention of White-Collar Crime, Univesitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (2019 - 2020)
  3. Director of Organizational Development, Association Certified Fraud Examiners-ACFE (2020 - now)
  4. Board of the National Association of Young Accounting Scholars-ICMA (2021 - now)
# Expertise
  1. Financial Accounting
  2. Behavioral Accounting
  3. Enterpreneurship
  4. Business Ethic
  5. Audit Fraud
# Award & Recognition
  1. Best Paper in 5th Accounting Regional Conference-KRA (2018)
  2. Best Presenter in 6th International Conference on Business and Banking-ICBB (2021)
  3. National Reviewer for Student Creativity Program (PKM) Directorate General of Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (2021)
  4. Reviewer Call for Paper National Anti Fraud Conference and Asia Pacific Journal (2019 - now)
  5. Reviewer Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy (2022 - now)
  6. Reviewer Jurnal of Culture Accounting and Auditing (2022 - now)
  7. Reviewer Jurnal Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (2021 - now)
# Publication
  1. Supriyati, S., & Wulanditya, P. (2012). The SME Perception towards the Accounting Standard without Public Accountability (SAK-ETAP) and Self-Assessment System for Increasing Voluntary Tax Compliance. IAMURE: International Journal of Business and Management, 4, 1-1.
  2. Wulanditya, P. (2015). Analysis Of Students Academic Dishonesty (Empirical Research In STIE Perbanas Surabaya). Forum Keuangan dan Bisnis Indonesia..
  3. Almilia, L.S., & Wulanditya, P. (2016). The Effect of Overconfidence and Experience on Belief Adjustment Model in Investment Judgement. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 9, 39-47.
  4. Wulanditya, P. (2016). Quantum Learning: Experiment To Increase Learning Outcomes. Journal of accounting and business education, 1 (4), 1-16.
  5. Wulanditya, P., & Aprillianita, R. (2018). The Development Of Accounting Information System Based On Excel In Helping CV. Ladi Collection Preparing Their Financial Statement. JEMA: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi dan Manajemen, 15 (1), 71-84.
  6. Almilia, L.S., Wulanditya, P., & Nita, R.A. (2018). The Comparison of Investment Decision Frame and Belief-adjustment Model on Investment Decision Making. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 22 (3), 405-417.
  7. Hayati, N., & Wulanditya, P. (2018). Attitudes towards Whistleblowers, Organizational Commitment, Ethical Climate Principles, and Self-Efficacy as Determinants of Fraud Disclosures. The Indonesian Accounting Review, 8 (1), 25-35.
  8. Safitri, L.A., & Wulanditya, P. (2019). The effect of institutional ownership , managerial ownership , free cash flow , firm size and corporate growth on debt policy. The Indonesian Accounting Review 7 (2), 141-154.
  9. Almilia, L.S., Dewi, N.H., & Wulanditya, P. (2019). The effect of visualization and complexity tasks in investment decision making. HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration, 10, 68 - 77.
  10. Almilia, L.S., Wulanditya, P., & Nita, R.A. (2020). Framing Effect And Belief Adjustment Model In Investment Judgment. Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 10 (3), 509-524.
  11. Novita, S.M., & Wulanditya, P. (2020). Desain Microsoft Excel For Accounting Bagi Umkm (Studi Kasus Pada Ls Farm Mojokerto). Jurnal Riset Terapan Akuntansi, 4 (2), 192-205.
  12. Maliu, A., Almilia, L.S., & Wulanditya, P. (2020). Belief Adjustment Model with self-review debiaser presentation patterns on investment decision making. Journal of Finance and Banking 24 (3), 375-392.
  13. Almilia, L.S., Dewi, N.H., & Wulanditya, P. (2020). The Effect of Material Weakness Disclosure on Investment Judgment. Proceedings of The First International Conference on Financial Forensics and Fraud, 13-14 August 2019, Bali, Indonesia.
  14. Wulanditya, P. (2018). Pattern of Micro Enterprises Accounting Records and The Barriers. Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy Ventura, 21 (1), 127-135.
  15. Dewi, N.H., Wulanditya, P., Oktarina, D., & Ardianto, H. (2021). Banking sector lack detection: Expectation gap between auditors and bankers. Accounting, 7 (6), 1353-1362.
  16. Wulanditya, P., Ardianto, H., & Sistiyarini, E. (2022). Relationship Among Ethical Value And Fraud Diamond In Banking Industry During Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science, 3 (2), 343-350.
  17. Nita, R.A., Wulanditya, P., & Dewi, N.H. (2022). Moderation Of Moral Identity In Ethical Judgement And Moral Intention Accounting Students. Journal of Governance, Taxation and Auditing, 2 (1), 33-41.
  18. Wulanditya, P., Iqbal, S., Prihatiningtias, Y.W., & Subroto, B. (2023). Argument Framing, Source Credibility, and Emotional Conditions: Effects on Accountants’ Whistleblowing Decision. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8 (4), 1-19.
  19. Iqbal, S., Prihatiningtias, Y.W., Subroto, B., & Wulanditya, P. (2023). The effect of individual-collective decisions and perceived organisational support on accountants whistle-blowing actions. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics.

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