Lecturer Profile

Nanang Shonhadji

Dr. Nanang Shonhadji.,SE., M.Si.,AK.,CA. CPA.CMA
 Associate Professor
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 Email: nanang@perbanas.ac.id
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga (2001)
  2. Master of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga (2004)
  3. Doctor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia (2015)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certified in Management Accounting (CMA Australia) (2017)
  2. Certified in Public Accounting (CPA Australia) (2018)
# Professional Experiences
  1. Member of Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2007 – present)
  2. Member of CMA Australia (2017 – present)
# Organizational Experiences
  1. Head of Accounting Undergraduate Study Program (2018-2022)
  2. Academic Senate of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University (2020-2023)
# Expertise
  1. Bank Accounting
  2. Fraud and Financial Crime Accounting
# Award & Recognition
  1. Doctoral Programme scolarship from  Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (2011-2015)
  2. Master Programme scolarship from  Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (2004)
# Publications
  1. Shonhadji, N (2010) Accrual Accounting and Financial Reporting in The Public Sector To Enhance Accountability and Transparency (Reframing Implementation in Indonesia) Journal of "Equity" Accreditation., Vol 14 No 1, March 2010, https://ejournal.stiesia.ac.id,/ekuitas/article/view/198
  2. Shonhadji, N (2016) Banking Accounting     Practices "Humanist"  International Research Journal of Business Studies.  Vol. IX No. 01, 2016. http://www.irjbs.com/index.p hp/jurnalirjbs/article/view/115 4/pdf
  3. Shonhadji, N (2012) A case study of bank accounting practices on reserves for impairment of credit deduction Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 20 No. 3, 2012. http://journal.perbanas.ac.id/ index.php/jebav/issue/view/63
  4. Shonhadji, N (2020) What Most Influence On Non- Performing Loan In Indonesia? Bank Accounting Perspective With Mars Analysis. JASF (Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance) Volume: 3; Number: 2; Month: November; Year: 2020. http://jasf.upnjatim.ac.id/inde x.php/jasf/article/view/85/50
  5. Shonhadji, N (2020) Paradox of White Colar Crime and Fraud in Banking: Critical Analysis of Agency Theory and Gone Theory. Assets: Journal of Accounting and Education. Vol. 3 No. 2, 2020. e-ISSN: 2477-4995.  http://e- journal.unipma.ac.id/index.ph p/assets/article/view/6415/29 81.
  6. Shonhadji, N (2021) Use of Social Theory in Interpretive Paradigms in Accounting research Journal of Accounting Studies. Vol.5.N0.1,2021.http://jurnal.ugj.ac.id/index.ph p/jka/article/view/3972/2468.
  7. Shonhadji, N (2021) Determinant of Whistleblowing Intentio in Case of Bank Fraud. Binus Business Review. Vol. 12 N0. 2, 2021.https://journal.binus.ac.id/ind ex.php/BBR/article/view/6593/4252
  8. Shonhadji, N (2021) Fraud Analysis on Illegal Online Lending Using Habermas' Theory of the Public Sphere Scientific Journal of Accounting and Business          Vol. 17 N0. 1, 2021. https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.p hp/jiab/article/view/77513/42 953
  9. Shonhadji, N (2022) Antecedents of Whistleblowing Intentions: Evidence in Local Government Agencies Accruals. Vol. 17 N0. 1, 2022. https://journal.unesa.ac.id/ind ex.php/aj/issue/view/1046.
  10. Shonhadji, N (2022) Is Whistleblowing an Ethical Practice?            Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura. Vol. 25 No. 2, 2022. https://journal.perbanas.ac.id/index. php/jebav/article/view/3222.
  11. Shonhadji, N (2023) New Accounting Ideology as Efforts to Prevention of Fraudulent Financial Reporting        The Indonesian Accounting Review. Vol 13 N0 1, 2023. https://journal.perbanas.ac.id/ index.php/tiar/issue/view/111.
  12. Ekaningtias, D; shonhadji, N (2017). Effect o f Loan Loss Provision, Number o f Credits Given And Foreign ownership On Corporate Financial Performance International Journal of Economic Research Vol. 14 No. 13, 2017. https://serialsjournals.com/ab stract/88435_30.pdf.
  13. Shonhadji, N (2018). Risk Model and Quality of Audit Committee towards Quality of Financial Reporting in Indonesia Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2018. http://www.joams.com/index. php?m=content&c=index&a=li sts&catid=69

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