Lecturer Profile


 Dr. Dra. Lindiawati, M.M.
 Associate Professor
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in English Literature, English Department, Universitas Airlangga (1992)
  2. Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (2004)
  3. Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (2022)
# Profesional Certifications
  1. Certified in Small Medium Enterprise Marketing from LSPP (2000)
  2. Certified in Halal Product Validation from Halal Center Fokus UMKM (2023)
# Professional Trainings
  1. Traning on  Halal Product Validation (2023)
  2. Training on Augmented Research Method (2023)
  3. Training on Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence (2023)
  4. Training on Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis (2022)
# Professional Experience
  1. Member of Indonesian Marketing Forum (2019-now)
  2. Reviewer of Journal of Business and Banking (JBB) - Sinta 3 (2014-now)
  3. Reviewer of Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy ‘VENTURA’ - Sinta 2 (2015-now)
  4. Reviewer of The Indonesian Accounting Review (TIAR) - Sinta 2 (2019-now)
  5. Reviewer of Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting (AJEBA/ International Journal),  (2022-now)
  6. Reviewer of Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability (ENVI/ Springer Publication) (2023-now)
  7. Reviewer of Internal Program of Social Services (2022-now)
# Organizational experience
  1. Vice Rector for Students Affairs and Cooperation, STIE Perbanas Surabaya (2010 – 2014)
  2. Vice Rector for Students Affairs and Cooperation, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (2023 – now)
# Expertise
  1. Strategic Management
  2. Strategic Marketing
  3. Business English
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility
# Award & Recognition
  1. Awardee (a member in a team) of Research Scheme of Strategi Nasional / STRANAS (National Strategy Scheme) on The Development of Financial Inclussion Access (FILA) and Marketing Competency among SMEs’ Human Resources as The Competitiveness Enhancement Strategy in The Era of ASEAN Economic Community (Multi Year Scheme of 2015-2017).
  2. Awardee (a member in a team) of Research Scheme of Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi/ PUPT (University Flagship Research) on The Enhancement of Sharia Banks Competitiveness through Sharia and CSR-based Integrated Services (Multi Year Scheme of 2017-2018).
  3. Awardee of Research Scheme of Penelitian Disertasi Doktor/ PDD (Doctoral Disertation Research) on The Development of Banking to Build Bank’s Reputation: A Study of Indonesian Banks Categorized in BUKU 3 and 4 (2018).
  4. Awardee (as the Chief in a team) of Civil Service Program of Program Kemitraan Masyarakat/ PKM (Community Networking Program) on The Development of Eco-print Batik and Sospeso Accessories to Enhance the Productivity of SMEs of Batik and Accessories (2018)
  5. The Best Presenter on ‘The Sinergy of Eco-print Batik and Sospeso Accessories to Enhance The Productivity of SMEs of Batik and Accessories’ in National Seminar of Community Service Output hosted by Research and Community Service Center (SENIAS) of Universitas Islam Madura (Sept., 2018)
  6. The Best Presenter on ‘The CSR Practice in Indonesia Sharia Banking’ in National Seminar of Economics, Management and Accounting (SINEMA) hosted by Research and Community Service Center of Universitas Islam Madura (Des., 2018)
# Publication
  1. Lindiawati, Wiwik Lestari, and Sri Lestari. (2023) The Role of Financial Behavior in Developing Financial Well-being among Career Women in East Java. Journal of Business, management and Economics Engineering. Vol. 21, Issue 01.
  2. Ilham, R., Lindiawati, Wulandari, D. A., Delonix, Y., Renzina, R., & Supriyanto, H. (2023). Pelatihan Fotografi dan Citra Digital untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Konten Digital Akun Bisnis UMKM Rusunawa Wonorejo, Surabaya. Jurnal KeDayMas: Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat3(1), 1-11.
  3. Lindiawati., Ilham, R., Supriyanto, H., Wulandari, D. A., & Renzina, Y. D. (2023). Pelatihan Digital Marketing untuk Meningkatkan Digital Literacy UMKM Rusunawa Wonorejo, Surabaya. Jurnal KeDayMas: Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat3 (2), 52-58.
  4. Lindiawati. (2022). The Information Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility in Leveraging Banks’ CSR Reputation: A Study of Indonesian Banks. Sarcouncil Journal of Economics and Business Management. Vol.1 (6). p.1-9. SARC Publisher.
  5. Lindiawati, Marta, L. S., & Suryani, T. (2021). Rumah Cerdas Mandiri (RCM): Program Edukasi Berkelanjutan Wilayah Nginden Jangkungan Surabaya. JURNAL DAYA-MAS6(2), 48-54.
  6. Lindiawati. (2021). Peta CSR Perbankan Indonesia (book chapter), Strategi Menjaga Keberlanjutan Bisnis Pada Masa Pandemi. Jilid 1. p. 72-80. Program Studi Magister Manajemen Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas.
  7. Lindiawati. (2021). Competitiveness Analysis of Indonesian Banking Industry Based on Corporate Social Responsibility Impacts. International Journal of Manegement and Economic Invention. Vol.7/8. P.2280-2286.
  8. Lindiawati. , Usman, I., Astuti, S. W. (2019). Normative Community Pressure in Brand Community: A Study of Young Entrepreneurs Community of Mandiri Bank. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura22(1), 137-146.
  9. Lindiawati. (2019). The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility ini Indonesian Banking Industry.. Journal of Business Economics and Finance8(2), 93-100.
  10. Musthofa, M. Z., & Lindiawati. (2018). Pengaruh Kegunaan, Kesesuaian, Keuntungan Relatif, Motivasi Hedonic, dan Risiko yang Dirasakan terhadap Penggunaan Mobile Banking Bank Mandiri Surabaya Dimediasi Niat Perilaku Nasabah. Journal of Business & Banking8(1), 121-140.
  11. Lindiawati., Sari, L. P., & Wulandari, D. A. (2018). Sinergi Motif Batik Eco-Print dan Asesoris Sospeso untuk Pengingkatan Produktifitas UKM Batik dan UKM Asesoris. Jurnal Daya Mas. Vol.3 (2), 65-69.
  12. Iramani., Suryani, T., & Lindiawati. (2018). SME’s Financial Literacy: An Ooverview Based on Demographic Aspects. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura20(3), 283-294.
  13. Harimurti, Rosa.,  Lindiawati. (2018). Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pada citra merek di PT. PLN (Persero). Journal of Business and Banking. Vo.7/2. P. 287-304.
  14. Suryani, Tatik; Sutarso, Yudi; Lindiawati (2012). Customers Perception to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case in Indonesia’s Banking Industry. Proceeding of International Conference on Business and Banking.


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