Lecturer Profile

Laila Saleh Marta'

 Dr, Laila Saleh Marta, S.Psi., M.MT., Psikolog.
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga (1996)
  2. Master of Engineering Management, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (2006)
  3. Doctoral, Universitas Airlangga (2023)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certified in Professional Lecturer for Management from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (2012)
  2. Certified Assessor of Competency (2023)
  3. Certified of Psycohology (2021)
# Professional Training
# Professional Experiences
Lecturer of University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (1992 – now)
# Organizational Experiences
# Expertise
1. Business ethics
2. ethics and personality development
# Award & Recognition
1. Interviewee of Surabaya TV's Business Talk
2. Member of Regional Psychology Council of Indonesian Psychology Association
3. Personnel Finance and General Department of PT LSP Psychology Indonesia 2021-2025 (Amendment Year 2023).
# Publications
  1. FIY Atmaja, M Nurhadi, L Lindiawati, LS Marta, (2023).  The Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Building Local Product Brand Love of Aerostreet Shoes in Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen 13 (1), 57-70
  2. P Diptyana, D Pujiati, N Setiyoko, D Hermansyah, LS Marta, (2022). Pelatihan Pengembangan Konten Digital Marketing Berbasis E-Peken di Leny Catering-Surabaya. Jurnal ETAM 2 (2), 148-155
  3. LS Marta, T Suryani, (2021). Rumah Cerdas Mandiri (RCM): Program Edukasi Berkelanjutan Wilayah Nginden Jangkungan Surabaya. JURNAL DAYA-MAS 6 (2), 48-54   

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