Profil Dosen

Shinta Setia

Dr. Shinta Setia, S.Psi., M.Com
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (1994)
  2. Master of Commerce in Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business, The University of New South Wales, Australia (1997)
  3. Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (2022)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certified as a Counselor in Academy for Educational Development (AIDSCOM) and USAID Jakarta, Yayasan Hotline Service Surya Surabaya, Indonesia (1991-1993)
  2. Certified as a Assessor for Graduate Management, SHL Group plc, Singapore (1999)
  3. Certified in SIM Course Leaders’ Course, held by Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore (2001)
  4. Certified as a Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Adults (TEFL A) for Basic/Elementary Levels, Lembaga Bahasa & Pendidikan Profesional LIA, Indonesia (2013)
# Professional Training
  1. Training on Executive Performance Management, held by HSBC Asia-Pacific (1995)
  2. Training on Total Performance Management, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2000)
  3. Training on Basic Management Skills Workshop, held by PT ECCO Indonesia, Indonesia (2001)
  4. Course on SHL Aptitude Tests and Interest Inventory (SHL Occupational Testing Course), held by SHL Group plc, Singapore (2001)
  5. Course on Occupational Personality Questionnaire, held by SHL Group plc, Singapore (2001)
  6. Training on Supervisory Management II, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2001)
  7. Training on Clerical Induction, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2001)
  8. Training on Guide to Correspondence, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2001)
  9. Training on Negotiation Skills, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2002)
  10. Training on Balance Scorecard Executive Brief, held by Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO), Indonesia (2002)
  11. Training on Performance Appraisal, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2002)
  12. Training on Job Evaluation Panel Member’s Guide, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2002)
  13. Course on Adversity Quotient for Sales People, held by Andrias Harefa (Member of Darma Mahardika Institute), Indonesia (2004)
  14. Course on Advertising and Sales Promotion from Lorraine Martin College, Australia (2010)
  15. Training on Managing HSBC Way – Starting Up, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2011)
  16. Training on Performance Management Curriculum 2011, held by HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2011)
  17. Training on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Program, held by Franklin Covey, Indonesia (2012)
# Professional Experiences
  1. Sales Assistant, Barringtons Sydney, Australia (1994 – 1997)
  2. Assistant Vice President of Human Resource Development, PT Sakatani Semillas Indonesia, Indonesia (1998)
  3. Executive Assistant to President Director, PT ECCO Indonesia (Danish Company), Indonesia (1998 – 2000)
  4. Assistant Vice President of Human Resource Relationships, HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2001 – 2012)
# Organizational Experience
  1. Lecturer, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Surabaya, Indonesia (2014 – 2023)
  2. Head of Section 1 Family Character Building, Tim Penggerak Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (TP PKK) Kota Surabaya, Indonesia (2021 – 2026)
  3. Vice Chairman of Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (Dekranasda) Kota Surabaya, Indonesia (2021 – 2024)
  4. Head of Senioret Global The Universal Line Dance Surabaya, Indonesia (2016 – 2023)
  5. Head of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Kota Surabaya, Indonesia (2022 – 2024)
  6. Head of Economics Section of Gabungan Organisasi Wanita (GOW) Kota Surabaya, Indonesia (2023 – 2028)
  7. Vice Chairman of Persatuan Wanita Olahraga Seluruh Indonesia (PERWOSI) Kota Surabaya, Indonesia (2023 – 2028)
  8. Founder of PT Generasi Indonesia Emas (2014 – now)
# Expertise
  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Business Communication
  3. Business Ethics
  4. Organizational Change
  5. Entrepreneurship
# Award & Recognition
  1. Awardee of 600 Reward Points for Initiative and Extra Effort to be in Charge for HSBC Job Fair (Career Day), HSBC Indonesia 2005)
  2. Awardee of ASP HR Heroes Award, HSBC Asia-Pasific (2009)
  3. Awardee of Ten Years of Service With The HSBC Group, HSBC Indonesia, Indonesia (2011)
  4. Awarded as a Participant in Layanan Bincang Karir dan Konseling Karir pada Event Bursa Kerja ASSik, Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, Indonesia (2022)
# Publication
  1. Setia, S. (2018). Personality profile of successful entrepreneurs. Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy Ventura21(1), 13-23.
  2. Prawitowati, T., Suryani, T., Marta, L. S., Setiawan, N., & Setia, S. (2018, October). Pelatihan Teknik Memotivasi Siswa Generasi Milenial Bagi Guru-Guru Pendidikan Menengah Atas. In Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 204-212).
  3. Nasution, Z., Jati, A. K. N., & Setia, S. (2019). Pelatihan etika berbahasa bagi siswa untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berkomunikasi di media sosial. Kumawula: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat2(2), 117-128.
  4. Setia, S., & Ekowati, D. (2020). Fresh Evidence on Technology Leadership and Technology Transformation at Schools in Five Different Continents: Moderating Role of Supply Chain. International Journal of Supply Chain Management9(4), 387-397.
  5. Abbas, A., Saud, M., Ekowati, D., Usmand, I., & Setia, S. (2020). Technology and stress: a proposed framework for coping with stress in Indonesian higher education. International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change13(4), 373-390.
  6. Setia, S., Leng, P., Muliatie, Y. E., Ekowati, D., & Ratmawati, D. (2021). The principal leadership in developing inclusive education for diverse students. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education (IJEIECE)3(1), 08-24.
  7. Nasution, Z., Nugroho, A. K., & Setia, S. (2021). Mindset Kewirausahaan Bagi Siswa SMA. Jurnal KeDayMas: Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat1(2), 71-77.
  8. Setiawan, N., Setia, S., & Jati, A. K. N. (2022). The Influence of Personality type to Learning Style (The evaluation of Learning Style of Student’s Leader in Surabaya).
  9. Setia, S., & Aufar, S. M. (2023). The Effect of Government ICT Policy and Technology Leadership on Teacher’s Technology Integration. QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama15(1), 341-352.
  10. Febriani, L., & Setia, S. (2023). Pengaruh Kompensasi Lingkungan Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Generasi Milenial. Jurnal Manajemen STIE Muhammadiyah Palopo9(1), 194-204.
  11. Putri, T. A., & Setia, S. (2023). Pengaruh Work Life Balance, Motivasi Kerja, Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt Star Concord Indonesia Cabang Surabaya. Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)7(1), 313-320.
  12. Rahmawati, E. D., & Setia, S. (2023). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di PT Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) Tuban Jawa Timur. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)4(5), 4926-4936.

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