Profil Dosen


Prof. Dr. Lutfi, S.E., M.Fin.
Scopus ID
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# Formal Education
1.    Bachelor in Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia (1993)
2.    Master of Finance, Faculty of Business, RMIT University, Australia (2000)
3.    Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia (2015)

# Professional Certification
1.    Certified in Investment Management Representative from the Committee for Capital Market Standards (2000)
2.    Certified in Risk Management (Level 1 - 4) from Indonesian Risk Management Certification Agency (BSMR) (2006 – 2009)
3.    Certified in Risk Management (Level 5) from Banking Professional Certification Institute (LSPP) (2019)
# Professional Training
1.    Traning for Trainer on Risk Management Certification, held by Indonesian Risk Management Certification Agency (BSMR) & Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) (2005)
2.    Training on High Level Risk Management, Risk Management Guard (2013)
3.    Training for Trainer on General Banking, held by the Indonesian Bankir Association (IBI) (2014)
4.    Short course on Islamic Banking and Finance, held by Utrecht University Summer School (2017)
5.    Training for Trainer on Risk Management Certification, held by Indonesian Indonesian Risk Professional Association (2023)
# Professional Experiences
1.    Member of Risk Oversight Committee, Bank Maspion, Indonesia (2007 – 2019)
2.    Member of Risk Oversight Committee, Bank Prima Master, Indonesia (2007 – 2020)
3.    Member Audit Committee, Bank Prima Master, Indonesia (2007 – 2020) 

# Organizational Experiences
1.    Vice Rector for General and Financial Affairs, STIE Perbanas (2002 – 2010)
2.    Rector of STIE Perbanas (2014 – 2018)
3.    Vice Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (2021- 2023)
# Expertise
1.    Bank Risk Management 
2.    Bank Governance
3.    Capital Market
4.    Behavioral Finance
5.    Company Financial Performance
# Award & Recognition
  1.  Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) for Master of Finance at Faculty of Business, RMIT University Australian (1999 – 2000)
  2. Highest Score Risk Management Exam Achievement Award (100) from Indonesian Risk Management Certification Agency (BSMR) (2006)
  3. Assesor for Bank Risk Management Certificaton, Banking Professional Certification Institute (LSPP) (2011 – 2020)
  4. Evaluator for the Feasibility of the New Study Program, Directorate of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia (2021 – Now)
  5. Evaluator for the National Jurnal Accreditation, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia  (2021 – Now)
  6. Assessor for Accreditation of Study Programs in Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting at the Indonesian Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (LAMEMBA) (2023 – Now)
# Publications
  1. Lutfi, L. (2010). The Relationship between Demographic Factors and Investment Decision in Surabaya, Journal of Economic, Business & Accounting Ventura, Vol. 13. No. 3, p. 213 – 224.
  2. Lutfi, L., Silvy, M., & Iramani, R. (2014). The role of board of commissioners and transparency in improving bank operational efficiency and profitability. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura, 17(1), 81-90.
  3. Ariani, S., Rahmah, P. A. A. A., Putri, Y. R., Rohmah, M., Budiningrum, A., & Lutfi, L. (2016). Pengaruh literasi keuangan, locus of control, dan etnis terhadap pengambilan keputusan investasi. Journal of Business & Banking, 5(2), 257-270.
  4. Purniawati, R. T., & Lutfi, L. (2017). Literasi keuangan dan pengelolaan keuangan keluarga dalam perspektif budaya Jawa dan Bugis. Journal of Business & Banking, 7(1), 31-46.
  5. Wardani, A. K., & Lutfi, L. (2017). Pengaruh literasi keuangan, experienced regret, risk tolerance, dan motivasi pada keputusan investasi keluarga dalam perspektif masyarakat Bali. Journal of Business & Banking, 6(2), 195-214.
  6. Iramani, Fauzi, A. A., Wulandari, D. A., & Lutfi. (2018). Financial literacy and business performances improvement of micro, small, medium-sized enterprises in East Java Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 9(4), 303-323. Scopus Q4.
  7. Ainia, N. S. N., & Lutfi, L. (2019). The influence of risk perception, risk tolerance, overconfidence, and loss aversion towards investment decision making. Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura, 21(3), 401-413.
  8. Lutfi, L., & Suyatno, S. (2019). Determinants of bank efficiency: Evidence from regional development banks. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 53(3), 59-74. Scopus Q3
  9. Arganata, T., & Lutfi, L. (2019). Pengaruh niat berperilaku, kecerdasan spiritual dan literasi keuangan terhadap pengelolaan keuangan keluarga. Journal of Business & Banking, 9(1), 142-159
  10. Brilianti, T. R., & Lutif, L. (2019). Pengaruh pendapatan, pengalaman keuangan dan pengetahuan keuangan terhadap perilaku keuangan keluarga di Kota Madiun. Journal of Business and Banking, 9(2), 197 – 213
  11. Lutfi, L., Kristijadi, E., & Silvy, M. (2020). Simultaneous adjustment of bank capital and risk: Evidence from the Indonesian commercial banks. Accounting, 6(5), 637-648. Scopus Q3
  12. Fatmawati, I., & Lutfi, L. (2021). Pengaruh Lokus Pengendalian dan Pengetahuan Keuangan pada Perilaku Manajemen Keuangan Generasi Milenial dengan Moderasi Pendapatan. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Keuangan, 10(1), 58-71.
  13. Iramani, R., & Lutfi, L. (2021). An integrated model of financial well-being: The role of financial behavior. Accounting, 7(3), 691-700. Scopus Q3.
  14. Husna, N. A. I., & Lutfi, L. (2022). Perilaku Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga: Peran Moderasi Pendapatan. Jurnal Samudra Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 13(1), 15-27.
  15. Permana, J. Z., & Lutfi, L. (2022). Financial Literacy, Financial Attitude, and Household Financial Behavior. Jurnal Maksipreneur: Manajemen, Koperasi, dan Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 273-287.
  16. Lutfi, L., Firdaus, D. G. R., Dwiyanti, E. A., & Renta, Y. D. (2022). The effect of materialism and financial knowledge on financial stress: The role of present fatalistic and marital status. Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 11(3), 276-291.
  17. Suryadie, F. A. P. & Lutfi. (2023). Determinan Kesejahteraan Keuangan: Peran Mediasi Perencanaan Keuangan. E-Jurnal Akuntansi, 33(2), 284-301
  18. Lutfi, L., & Prihatiningrum, V. (2023). Social media, Islamic financial literacy, and Islamic banking product ownership: a moderating model. El Dinar: Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, 11(1), 35-58.


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