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Emma Yulianti

Dr. Emma Yulianti, S.E., M.M.
Assistant Professor
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# Formal Education
1. Bachelor in  Economics and Development studies, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga (1993)
2. Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya,  (2008)
3. Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, (2020)
# Professional Certification
1. Certified in  Employee Administration Service Implementor (BNSP,2021) 
2. Certified in Manager of Human Resource Management (BNSP, 2022).
3. Certified in General Manager of Human Resource Management (BNSP, 2022).
#Professional Training
1. Training on Human Resources Manager (2022)
2. HR Data Visualization & Dashboard using TABLEAU (2022).
3. Human Resource Administration training (2021)
4. Training on Rational Decision Making for Leader (2019)
5. Competency Assessor Training (LSP MSDM Indonesia  & BNSP) (2016)
# Professional Experiences
1. Bank Prima Master Remuneration System Design Team (2013-2014).
2. Career Management and Coaching  team  at PT. Tekno Buana Globalindo (TBG) (2017-2018).
3. Restructuring Design and  KPI  team at STIE Perbanas Surabaya  (2019)
4. Payroll Guidelines Review Team at PT Petrogas Jatim Utama(Perseroda) (2018-2019) 
5. Design Team on Restructuring, Job Description, Work Schedule and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) at STIE Perbanas Surabaya 2020 STIE  (2020)
6. HR Development Team at STIE Perbanas Surabaya (2020)
7. HRM Competency Assessor (BNSP) (2022-now).
8. Organizational Check Up Team at PT TBG (2023).
# Expertise
1. Human Resource Management
2. Organizational Behavior
3. Compensation and Benefit Management
4. Performance and Talent Management
5. Human Resource Planning
# Publication
  1. Yulianti, Emma and  Saleh, Laila . 2011. Exploring Techology Readiness of Business Students in E-Learning Environtment Business College- Proceeding on11th Annual SEAAIR Conference, pp/ 163-166.
  2. lfitriah, Aniek Maschudah and Yulianti, Emma. 2011.  Entrepreneur Self-Efficacy Influence of Interest to Students for Entrepreneurship the Role of Gender Differences Moderation. Proceeding on 11th Annual SEAAIR Conference. pp. 292-296. 
  3. Suminar, Bagus & Yulianti, E. 2013. The effect of emotional exhaustion on job satisfaction and its impact on performanceAuthors :  IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management 5 (1), 1-1.
  4. Muhammad Fajar Fahrudin, Emma Yulianti, 2015. Pengaruh promosi, lokasi, dan kualitas layanan terhadap keputusan pembelian nasabah Bank Mandiri Surabaya, Jornal of Business and Banking, Volume 5 Number 1, pp. 149-162
  5. Moh Faqih Afghani, Emma Yulianti, 2016. Pengaruh kepercayaan, keamanan, persepsi risiko, serta kesadaran nasabah terhadap adopsi e-banking di Bank BRI Surabaya, Jornal of Business and Banking,  Vol 6, No 1, pp. 113-128
  6. Moch Bisyri Effendi, Agus Samekto, Emma Yulianti. 2017.  Relationship Pattern of Pedagogic Competence with Moderating Structural Equation Modeling Score Factor (MSEM-SF), Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 347-356.
  7. Indra Nandaputra Lasaib, Emma Yulianti, 2019. Pengaruh citra merek, iklan, kualitas yang dirasa terhadap keputusan pembelian sim card Telkomsel di Surabaya, Journal of Business and Banking, Vol 9, No 1, pp. 161-178. 
  8. Addis Al Hazmi Emma Yulianti, 2013. Peran Kualitas Jasa Pada Kepuasan Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Loyalitas Dan Niat Beralih Nasabah Pt Pegadaian Di Surabaya, Journal Business and Banking,  Vol 3, No 2, pp. 165-200
  9. Suminar, Bagus & Yulianti, E. 2013. The effect of emotional exhaustion on job satisfaction and its impact on performanceAuthors :  IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management 5 (1), 1-1.
  10. Andhika Persada Putra, Emma Yulianti, 2018. Pengaruh kesadaran moral, citra merek, dan word of mouth terhadap niat pembelian Nintendo switch di Surabaya, Journal of Business and Banking, Volume 8 Number 1, pp. 71-89
  11. Yulianti, Emma, M Setiawan, S Surachman, DW Irawanto  2021. The Islamic Ethical Leadership and Employees’ Ethical Behavior: The Moderating Role of Ethical Sensitivity, Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura, 23 (3), 375-389.
  12. Yulianti, E., Saleh, L. and Suminar, B. 2023. “The Role of Job Crafting in Increasing Job Satisfaction through Employee Engagement: Conceptual Framework.”Sarcouncil Journal of Public Administration and Management, . vol-2, issue-1: pp 1-7 
  13. Yonan Wahyu Octa Pratama, Emma Yulianti 2023. Pengaruh Kesejahteraan karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan melalui Moderasi Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Mediasi Kreativitas Karyawan Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Jawa Timur – Bali, Jurnal Ekonomi Efektif, Vol. 5, No. 4, hal 638-646
  14. Nanang Shonhadji, Evi Sistiyarini, Sholikha Oktavi Khalifaturofiah, Moch. Anang Karyawan, Miftahul Adi Suminto, Emma Yulianti, Jowi Ratna Sari, Safrinda Dwika Maulani Haqni. 2023. Penerapan Digital Marketing pada UMKM “ESM Collection” di Kota Surabaya, Volume 14 Nomor 02, E-Dimas, pp. 372-380
  15. Lindiawati., Lestari, W., Lestari.S. and Yulianti, E. " Innovativeness Development among MSME Owners In Digital Era: The Case of Woman Entrepreneurs in Surabaya." Sarcouncil Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2.7 (2023): pp 1-7.

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