Campus News
Technological developments such as Smartphones, Near-Field Communication (NFC), security features, and several access channels or devices that can replace each other provide many options for banks to provide Service Provider services. The rapid development of electronic commerce is undeniably changing consumer behavi... Detail
STIE Perbanas Surabaya again invited parents or guardians of new students on Saturday-Sunday, December 2-3 2016. This time, the parents or guardians of new students who were invited from the Bachelor and Diploma 3 study programs specifically for Class 2016. Located on campus 1 and 2 STIE Perbanas Surabaya, an a... Detail
STIE Perbanas Surabaya in collaboration with Perbanas HRD Club again holds a Job Fair, with the name Perbanas Banking Jobfair on Thursday-Friday, December 1-2, 2016 09.00 - 16.00 at the STIE Perbanas Jl. Nginden Semolo No. 34-36 Surabaya. Thousands of job applicants have participated in this Jobfair for FREE by bringing printouts of online regis... Detail
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