Campus News
Currently, major changes have occurred in the business world, especially in the marketing field. Talking about marketing, it takes the right strategy to reach the best level of sales so as to make a profit. With market segmentation, the products sold can compete with other prod... Detail
To gain knowledge and insight from experts, STIE Perbanas Surabaya regularly invites a number of practitioners. This is so that the information conveyed to students comes from actors who are directly involved in the field. As held by the Bachelor of Management Study Program and Bachelor of Islamic Economics, namely Gue... Detail
Preservation of Indonesian culture is the responsibility of all its people. Including regional dance as an ancestral heritage, it needs to be introduced to the millennial generation. This was shown by a dance group from Jember State University (Unej) while presenting Mangir Belt... Detail
There is no need to doubt the achievements and academic competences of STIE Perbanas Surabaya students. This time, three Bachelor of Accounting students won 1st place in the Accounting Olympiade, Saturday, March 9, 2019. Located at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), the competition was a seri... Detail
The Management Department (HMJM) student association of STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a National Seminar on Financial Days on Saturday, 23/2/2019. Taking place at the Lawu Room of the Sahid Hotel Surabaya, this seminar was attended by students and the general public who wanted to... Detail