News Campus

Sharing for the Community in Commemoration of Eid Al-Adha Right on Monday, 12 September 2016, Muslims in Indonesia celebrate Eid al-Adha10 Dzulhijah 1437 H. STIE Perbanas Surabaya also participated in the commemoration of Muslim sacrifice by slaughtering 5 cows and 15 goats. Taking place in the campus environment 1, ... Detail

Higher education graduates who are skilled, smart, have entrepreneurial spirit, and are ready to open jobs are the targets desired by the government. Through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), the government has launched entrepreneurship education programs for stu... Detail

Similar to Bachelor and Diploma students, Master of Management students at STIE Perbanas Surabaya are also given orientation before entering active lectures. Dozens of students gathered in the Seminar Room to listen to various materials provided by the instructors according to their respective fields, on S... Detail

Not always, the excitement of the outbound can be outside the campus, the proof is that STIE Perbanas Surabaya has succeeded in building joy for all new students of the 2016/2017 class. Smiles, laughter, cheerfulness, and togetherness were seen on the faces of the new students. The event was packaged through the Char... Detail