News Campus

Strategic management is needed by a company or organization to achieve the expected goals. The reason is, management must be applied in order to determine the future according to the targets set. So far, strategic management has been closely linked in the many decisions made by... Detail

A fresh graduate or recent graduate usually does not have much experience. This is because they are not active in updating the latest information related to developments in policies, knowledge, and technology. This also has an impact on the minimal absorption of graduates being... Detail

STIE Perbanas Surabaya received a visit from SMK Islam Ulul Albab Nganjuk on Wednesday, April 23, 2018. Located at Campus 2 STIE Perbanas Surabaya, this visit was attended by 36 class XI students of the Banking Department and 4 accompanying teachers. ... Detail

The development of technology in this digital era makes people inevitably have to follow it. All sectors have developed application or software-based technology, including in the field of Economics. All service providers (startups) are competing to make it easier to carry out f... Detail

The Diploma 3 Program Association (HMD) of STIE Perbanas Surabaya held an annual event in the form of a Diploma Perbanas Competition. Located at Campus 2 Jalan Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut Surabaya, this competition was attended by at least 90 high school / vocational / MA student... Detail