Here is the list of winners for the 2021 Consumer Rights Protection Education Festival

Sunday, 15 August 2021     View: 6847

The National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) of the Republic of Indonesia together with Hayam Wuruk University (UHW) Perbanas held an Education Festival on Consumer Rights Protection. This activity is to commemorate Consumer Protection Day which fell on April 20, as well as a follow-up form of cooperation between the two parties. One of the agendas is to educate the public about the importance of consumer rights in utilizing goods and services.

Vice Chancellor 3 for Student Affairs and Cooperation at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University, Dr. Soni Harsono, M.Sc., said that the festival was themed "Becoming a Smart Millennial Consumer". The aim is to encourage the literacy spirit and critical abilities of students in relation to the protection of consumer rights in Indonesia. "There are three competitions that we hold, namely: Poster Competition, Video Competition, and Debate Competition," said Soni on the sidelines of the activities on Saturday (14/8).

In addition to competitions for high school students or equivalent, a number of academics, practitioners, and the general public participated in the Consumer Education Room with BPKN and the East Java Regional Financial Services Authority (OJK). "We hope that this activity will benefit all of us, especially children in high school so that they can become smart millennial consumers in the digital era, which is developing so fast," he hoped.

After the Education Room activities, all the winners of the competition were announced. In the Poster Competition category, 1st place was won by Arni Nazira (MAN 1 Magetan), 2nd place was won by Azwa Safira Azzahrah (SMAN 1 Taman Sidoarjo), and 3rd place was won by Hayuna Niza (SMA PGRI 2 Jombang). Furthermore, the 1st place in the Video Contest category went to Rani Rusdi Ana (Wachid Hasyim Taman High School), 2nd place went to Deny Pandu Yuda Pratama (MAN 1 Magetan), and 3rd place went to Siska Dwi and Lisia Syaharani (Hang Tuah 4 High School Surabaya). For the category, the 1st place in the Debate Competition was won by Maitreyawira Batam, the 2nd place was won by SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar, and the 3rd place was won by SMAN 78 Jakarta. (eko/hms)


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