Perbanas Surabaya Holds a Presentation of the Roadmap for Research and Community Service for All Study Programs

Wednesday, 31 March 2021     View: 6932

Tuesday, March 30, 2021, Perbanas Surabaya held a presentation agenda for the Road Map for Research and Community Service from all Study Programs. Located at C404 Building, Wonorejo Campus, Surabaya, the agenda was attended by Dr. Yudi Sutarso, SE., M.Si as Chairman of Perbanas Surabaya, Mr. Dr. Drs. Soni Harsono, M.Si as Deputy Chair of 4 for Research Collaboration and Community Service, head of undergraduate and diploma study programs and a new study program lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering. This is a continuation agenda from the previous meeting on the Road Map for Research and Community Service. The event was opened by Mr. Dr. Drs. Soni Harsono, M.Si, said that the purpose of this event was to find out the exposure of the Road Map for Research and Community Service in the next 5 years from each study program which will later be included in the University's RENSTRA.

The presentation was started by the Head of the Accounting Study Program, Mr. Dr. Nanang Shonhadji, S.E., Ak., M.Sc., CA., CIBA., CMA. He explained the research and community service that can be carried out in the business and banking sectors. This was followed by a presentation from the Management Study Program by Mr. Burhanudin, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D, which in the Management study program focused more on business management research (banking, finance, human resources) at the national and international levels (ASEAN and ASIA). . The next presentation from the diploma study program by Dr. Kautsar Riza Salman, SE., MSA.Ak., BKP. SAS., CA .. In his presentation, he explained applied research and its integration and integration from community service to classroom learning.

In addition, on this occasion the Faculty of Engineering study program was also given the opportunity to present its presentation. The presentation of the new study program started from the Informatics Engineering Study Program represented by Mr. Iqbal Ramadhani S.Kom., M.Kom. He explained the Information Engineering Research Road Map which focuses on the fields of networking & multimedia computing, intelligent systems and software engineering with contributions at four levels, namely R&D, Technology, Products and Market / Evaluation. The next session was continued by Mr. Muhammad Septama., S.Kom., M.Kom from the Information Systems Study Program, who explained Information Systems research that focuses on topics related to the fields of information systems management, IT programming & infrastructure, data engineering & enterprise system. From the Visual Communication Design Study Program delivered by Mr. Pungky Febi Arifianto, S.Sn., M.Sn. He explained that DKV research will cover two fields, namely information & communication technology and social humanities-arts culture-education. Finally, from the Sharia Economics Study Program, which describes research in the field of Islamic Economics, both in the Islamic banking and business environment.

As stated by Mr. Dr. Drs. Soni Harsono, M.Si said that research conducted by lecturers in each study program is expected to have output in the form of innovation, invention and teaching materials and have an outcome in the form of journal citations. Thus, the entire Road Map for Research and Community Service that was announced by all study programs in Perbanas Surabaya is expected to contribute to society and have an impact on the progress of the institution. (gs / hms)

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