Bachelor of Management


Successful Business Starting with a Social Media Account

Saturday, 11 May 2019     View: 6552

Although in the fasting month, STIE Perbanas Surabaya students were never discouraged from taking part in the Entrepreneurship guest lecture held on Saturday, May 11, 2019. This time, the speaker presented was an Entrepreneur and Founder Secret Girl named Buana Perkasa Putra.

Located in Room D305-306 Campus 1 STE Perbanas Surabaya, this guest lecture was attended by hundreds of students divided into 8 classes, including S1 Accounting study programs, S1 Management and D3 Banking and Finance. The event was also aimed at increasing the insight into the world of entrepreneurship for students, especially for Entrepreneurship course programmers.

In front of the students present, Buana Perkasa Putra delivered material on how to build a business on Instagram. In addition, he also shared stories about his career before becoming a successful entrepreneur like today.

In the story, before entering an online business, Buana works in his family office, Safe Care Aromatherapy as a reseller. Given the reseller business is very small fortunately in this industrial era 4.0, Buana also decided to make its own products.

"Industry 4.0 is starting to run in Indonesia so that manufacturers meet directly with consumers. And, as stated by Pak Jokowi, he is trying to get farmers to directly sell rice to consumers without intermediaries. Therefore, Mr. Jokowi focused on building infrastructure that supports industry 4.0. Where it is very useful for you, "said Buana.

While waiting for material, raw materials, or others for the product needs they want, the S1 Economics graduates try to create an Instagram account that can be used to sell their products. Then, he made the first account entitled @rahasiagadis and determined the target market for girls. From there, Buana began to study photoshop design and create content from 10pm to 2am on a regular basis. Buana also promotes secrets of accounts to friends and is not imagined within a month through up to 100,000 followers. In fact, Buana also made an agreement with the Dagelan account to promote the Girl Secrets account, the impact was that within a few weeks Secret Girls' followers grew very rapidly.

"The media will increasingly die, if it is only media. Because fake news is everywhere and people are not easy to believe in news or information in the media. But, now people are more interested in media that has people or ifluencers. Influencers will run but the media will not run. So, how to create a unique account is an account that has people. What makes it unique? You are the one who makes unique, "his motivation. (Fitriyah / Eko)

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