Important, Inter-Religious Tolerance is Required by Students

Thursday, 27 June 2019     View: 8302

The diversity of ethnicities, religions, races, and groups (SARA) is one of the uniqueness of the Indonesian state. These differences can lead to conflict, if not managed properly. In fact, the issue of religion is the area most highlighted as a material for dividing the Indonesian people. Of course, we do not want divisions within the nation and state in our homeland, so it is necessary to instill an attitude of tolerance.

Responding to this phenomenon, STIE Perbanas Surabaya always cares to unite millennial generations from all over the country through education. Including holding a Public Lecture entitled "Inter-Religious Tolerance in a Human Rights Perspective" on Thursday, 27 June 2019. Located at the Auditorium Campus 1, Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36 Surabaya, more than 600 students attended from various local study programs, namely: Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Sharia Economics, Diploma 3 of Accounting, and Diploma 3 of Banking and Finance. Then, the majority of students who attended were from the 2018 class who took the courses of Religious Education and Citizenship Education.

Meanwhile, the speakers presented were interfaith figures. They also delivered material on religious tolerance. These figures, including: Dr. Kunawi Basyir, M.Ag. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy at UIN Sunan Ampel, Islamic Religious Leaders), and Yhanto Tampubolon, M.Th (Christian Religious Leaders), and I Ketut Arta (Hindu Religious Figures).

One of the Lecturers in Charge of the Citizenship Education Course (PJMK), Djuwito, S.H., M.Hum., In his introduction delivered a public lecture on tolerance given to first generation students in the even semester. The goal is for students to get a foundation from an early age in social ethics in campus life. This is because STIE Perbanas Surabaya students come from various regions, religions, and descendants so that tolerant attitudes and character education are delivered earlier through the interfaith public lecture. (denta/hms)

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