Grand Final: Nuriya and Andika Become Perbanas 2020 Ambassadors

Thursday, 20 February 2020     View: 7976

STIE Perbanas Surabaya again chose its Brand Ambassador in early 2020. To be precise, Thursday, February 20, 2020, as many as 20 finalists were selected, namely the men and women of the Best Business and Banking Campus competing to hold the status of Duta Perbanas. Located in the Auditorium Hall A Campus 1, all the finalists wore clothes with the nuances of Nusantara Culture. After showing talents from the previous session, this event began with a catwalk and continued with a show of ability in the "know your mind" session.

The Chief Executive, Cornelia Oribel, said that the 2020 Perbanas Ambassador has entered its fourth year. He said, the series of events and the concept of selecting Duta Perbanas or commonly called The Next Leader 2020 were made different from before. "This year, we added one championship, namely the Library Ambassador of STIE Perbanas Surabaya," explained Oribel.

Oribel explained that the recruitment process consists of an initial stage, namely the administrative selection of participant files; Second, a written test about general knowledge of economics, Perbanas STIE Campus, and Libraries; Third, interview selection and psych test; Fourth, selection of presentations about; and Fifth, talent performances on the first day followed by the Grand Final. "And on the last day of the final there was a question and answer session with the jury. Then, determining the winner in the final now, "explained Oribel.

In addition, all finalists are required to have competencies that must be possessed by every finalist, namely advantages in the academic field, for example, such as language skills, general knowledge about economics and STIE Perbanas Surabaya itself. "For non-academics, such as their activeness in organizations and competitions in non-academic fields," he explained.

Finally, Nuriya Deasy Shafira, finalist number 14 succeeded in becoming the Winner of Putri Duta Perbanas 2020. She admitted that she was very happy and happy after the award was given to her. This Bachelor of Accounting student has also succeeded in making her parents proud. "In the future, I want to carry out work programs (work programs, -red) in the association and help public relations promote STIE Perbanas Surabaya to be increasingly recognized by high schools out there." I am sure the high school students there want to go to campus at STIE Perbanas Surabaya, "he impressed.

In line with him, Andika Alamsyah, the pair of Duta Perbanas 2020, is also very happy and proud. However, this alumni of SMA Negeri 1 Waru continues to collaborate with all the finalists to contribute to STIE Perbanas Surabaya. "After becoming a Perbanas Ambassador, what I want to achieve is to develop the potential of Duta Perbanas finalists to support the progress of the STIE Perbanas Surabaya campus," he hoped.

In addition to the 2020 Perbanas Ambassador, there were finalists in the championship, namely the 2020 Perbanas Ambassador Runner up by Febriyani Sarwindah and Yofa Nurman, the Library Ambassadors pinned to Bayu Novanto Irawan and Oktavia Nurul Aini, Talented Ambassadors were given to Khoirul Lutfifi Tambunan and Febriyani Sarwindah, and Mahdiyyah Amanah holds the title of Favorite Ambassador. (hms)


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