Socialization of PPh 21 Calculation for Teacher Profession

Saturday, 12 October 2019     View: 7179

STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a Socialization on Calculating PPh 21 for the teaching profession which was held on Saturday, October 12 2019 in Room II A302 Campus 2 STIE Perbanas Surabaya. The event was attended by participants from the Economic Subject Teacher Conference (MGMP) for high school level in Surabaya.

Head of the Accounting and Taxation Laboratory, Nura'ini Rohmania, SE., Ak., M.Ak., met before the event said that the purpose of holding this socialization was to improve professional competence and the teaching profession, especially in the field of taxation. In addition, this opportunity was used by participants, especially teachers, to ask tax practitioners directly about calculating PPh 21 taxes for the teaching profession.

Then, the tax practitioners who were presented were the Extension Guidance and Document Management Section, Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes, East Java I, Antoni Eka Bali. His party also explained that PPh 21 is an income tax for employees, for example teachers. Unlike a doctor (self practice), musician, UMKM, Youtuber. They are not employees but are independent entrepreneurs without a salary.

He continued, taxes have several characteristics or characteristics. First, tax is a mandatory contribution for Indonesian citizens according to their ability or income. In this case, it means that the tax adheres to the principle of justice. Second, the tax is coercive, but based on law. Third, the maximum tax is the prosperity of the Indonesian people. Finally, the tax does not receive direct rewards, but can actually be felt.

Anton added, in addition to infrastructure and pertalite gasoline, an example of tax revenue in Indonesia is LPG gas cylinders in the form of melons or also known as green gas cylinders. "Well, that is an example that the Indonesian people actually feel," said Anton.

Before it ended, Anton emphasized that the tax returns were returned for the prosperity of the people. "Taxes are obligations whose rights will be returned to the people. So you could say, taxes are cyclical and for the prosperity of Indonesia, "he concluded. (fitriyah / public relations)

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