SIORTU, Parents' Solution to Monitor Perbanas Student Performance

Monday, 07 October 2019     View: 11245

The development of technology and information is utilized by all educational institutions and agencies in Indonesia. The same is the case with STIE Perbanas Surabaya's breakthrough in facilitating student parents. Parents can monitor their child's performance while studying at STIE Perbanas Surabaya by accessing the siortu.perbanas.ac.id page.

Head of Information and Communication Technology, Hariadi Yutanto, S.Kom., M.Kom., Said the siortu.perbanas.ac.id page can be used by parents to see student activities. There are features that can be accessed by parents, including: lecture schedule information, test scores, payment information, and so on. "This feature is very helpful for parents who want to know the information of their children when studying at STIE Perbanas Surabaya," he explained.

He continued, the siortu page can be accessed using any Android, as long as it is connected to an internet network. With the username and password received by each parent from the Academic section, later they can access it themselves at home. During the meeting, parents are given the opportunity to ask questions about how to use it. "We (the ICT team) are ready to help if there are obstacles when accessing siortu," the solution is.

This siortu facility is given to coincide with the annual activity, namely the 2019 New Student Parent / Guardian Meeting on Saturday-Sunday, 5-6 October 2019. The implementation is divided into two, namely Campus 1 followed by parents of new students of the Bachelor of Management study program and Bachelor of Sharia Economics. Then, the parents / guardians of the new Bachelor of Accounting and Diploma 3 program students took place at Campus 2 Jl. North Wonorejo 16 Rungkut, Surabaya.

On this occasion, all parents of new students were also given insights on Academic Information, Financial Information, Student Activity Information, to campus facilities and certification programs for students. Everything was conveyed by all the leaders of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, including: Head of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si .; Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, Dr. Drs. Emanuel Kristijadi, M.M .; Deputy Head of Finance, Operations, and HC-GA, Dra. Gunasti Hudiwinarsih, Ak., M.Si .; Deputy Head of Student Development and Public Relations, Dr. Basuki Rachmat, S.E., M.M .; and Deputy Chair for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation, Dr. Drs. Ec. Soni Harsono, M.Si. (eco / public relations)

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