Perbanas Diploma Student Wins 3rd Place in the 2017 Accounting Week International Competition

Sunday, 26 February 2017     View: 7284

STIE Perbanas Surabaya students have shown their quality along with the achievements of this green campus. Three students of the Diploma 3 Accounting Program won 3rd place in the International Accounting Week 2017 competition, taking place at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Sunday-Monday, (26-27 / 2). Students who make STIE Perbanas Surabaya proud, include: Mariska Nur Fitri, Sri Astiti, and Rizky Ramadhaniyati.

These three beautiful virgins who are proud of the Diploma 3 Accounting Study Program admit that they did not expect to achieve this achievement. One of its members, Mariska Nur Fitri, said that the competition lasted 3 rounds. A total of two teams sent by STIE Perbanas, one of which stopped in the semifinals. "We also did not expect to be able to enter the final and bring the trophy for D3 study program, because most of the participants come from the undergraduate program and from state universities as well, such as UGM as the second winner and UB (1st winner)," said Mariska after receiving the champion trophy.

Secretary of the Diploma 3 Program, Putri Wulanditya, SE., M.Ak., felt that this achievement was an extraordinary thing. The reason is, their competitors are students from state universities and from undergraduate majors, even though the Perbanas student team comes from D3. In other words, STIE Perbanas students can compete with state campuses.

He continued, the preparations made by the Diploma 3 program began with the cadre of students from the Diploma Program Student Association who were selected to represent the local campus. "Those who passed the selection were provided with practice questions. Mrs. Riski and I provided guidance so that as many as 2 teams were sent to Yogyakarta," said Putri Wulanditya after hearing that her students had won the championship.

He hopes that the students of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, especially the Diploma III Program, are able to improve self-competence so that when they graduate they are ready to work with a quality that is not inferior to other graduates. "We will accommodate students to hone their potential and mentally by participating in various competitions," he concluded.

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