Invite Youth to Come Up with Creative Business Ideas

Sunday, 18 December 2016     View: 7273

In the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the Indonesian people are required to be able to compete with other countries. In this case, the role of youth must be explored so that they become successful young entrepreneurs according to the expectations of the nation. Responding to these conditions, the Student Professional Development Unit (UPKM) STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Entrepreneur Club held a National Creativepreneur Seminar with the theme "Open Your Mind, Don't Stuck on Your Way", on Sunday, December 18, 2016. Located on campus 1, the activity This was attended by more than 250 participants from various backgrounds, ranging from students at various universities in Surabaya to the general public.

This event was held in order to motivate aspiring young entrepreneurs to be able to open their own businesses and later succeed in becoming agents of change for the Indonesian nation. UPKM Entrepreneur Club supervisor, Acmad Saiful Ulum, S.AB., M.AB., said that students need to be encouraged to come up with creative ideas in building businesses so that they can increase Indonesia's prosperity. "Currently, the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still under 2% of the total population. In fact, to become a prosperous and developed country, the ratio of entrepreneurs must be more than 2%, so we encourage students to come up with creative ideas to build their own businesses, "he explained after the event.

He said that students must become agents of change for the Indonesian nation through the creative efforts they develop. According to him, this is aligned with the government's creative economy program, which demands that entrepreneurs in Indonesia be able to compete with foreign countries because they have entered the MEA era. "We will slowly change the paradigm of graduates not to become jobseekers, but as job creators to compete internally and externally in Indonesia," he added.

Meanwhile, the speakers at the seminar this time came from entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch. The speakers in question include: Hendy Setiono (Owner of Kebab Turki Babarafi), Wahyu Liz Adaideaja (Owner Adaideaja Corp.), and Ryan Dimas, (Artist Creative Industry Actor). These entrepreneurs explained the strategies and tricks of starting a creative business that was able to compete in the era of globalization. They share experiences ranging from business capital, business management, to how to serve good customers.

One of the national seminar participants, Alien Nuril, felt that he wanted to immediately open his own business to become an agent of change in society. "The speakers at this national seminar really inspired me to open my own business. I think I want to immediately take part in improving the Indonesian economy as a young entrepreneur, "hoped Alien.

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