STIE Perbanas Students Become Kopertis 7 Representatives Join the 2016 PERMATA Program

Monday, 24 October 2016     View: 8202

In order to realize the work program and strategic plan of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education regarding the Indonesian Archipelago Student Exchange program (PERMATA) in 2016, STIE Perbanas Surabaya is the only private university from Kopertis 7 East Java to participate in student exchanges with college students other. The plan is for 10 STIE Perbanas students to take part in student exchanges during the odd semester of 2016/2017 at other universities, including: Darmajaya Lampung Institute of Informatics & Business, Bali National Education University, and STIM Nitro Makassar.

Basically, this PERMATA program aims to build and strengthen student nationalism, improve student communication across tertiary institutions and across cultures, and provide opportunities for students to take courses at tertiary institutions that have the advantages and distinctiveness of certain knowledge with the fields studied by the students concerned.

Executive Secretary of Kopertis 7 East Java, Prof. Dr. Ali Maksum, said that the PERMATA program was held for the first time in a private tertiary institution in the 7th region of East Java. The plan is that this year there are two campuses that will have the opportunity, but only STIE Perbanas Surabaya has more thorough preparation. So, the student quota of the PERMATA program is fulfilled by students from STIE Perbanas only.

"We appreciate STIE Perbanas Surabaya who are ready to run the PERMATA program. This student exchange has become an important experience in building the nation. Apart from culture, students also get a learning process from other universities so that they can fill their spare time for positive things. Later, the PERMATA program students will get the opportunity from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for the student exchange selection process for China and France, "explained Prof. Dr. Ali Maksum while briefing the PERMATA Program Students at STIE Perbanas Surabaya, on Monday (24/10).

One of the students participating in the PERMATA program, Selly Ayu Trisyana, expressed her joy because she was selected as the team that would participate in the student exchange. He, who will be dispatched to Undiknas Bali in early November, has prepared all the files and needs while he is a student there. "Events like this are very rare, so I was interested in participating in the PERMATA program in 2016. Finally, I was informed by the student affairs department that I was chosen as a participant and that I was happy and proud because I would get new knowledge and experiences. , "He explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Lutfi, SE. M.Fin., Hopes that his students will sincerely participate in the 2016 PERMATA program. "In this program, you will act as ambassadors representing STIE Perbanas Surabaya. "Hopefully, these students can assimilate with the culture of other universities so that their advantages can be learned and knowledge related to positive things can be increased," he hoped and his message to students.

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