The Let's Cultivate Savings Movement Reaches a Record of 1000 Piggy Banks

Saturday, 20 August 2016     View: 8016

Super Softskill Mentoring (SSM) 2016 never runs out of ideas to take part in using used goods into useful objects. This time, the mentees (pronounced menti, SSM participant) made a money box or piggy bank. The event with the theme "save our money as save aour earth" aims to invite the community, especially students, to learn to continue. This activity, which is named Record, has succeeded in producing 1,000 money boxes created by STIE Perbanas Surabaya students, batch 2015. The Record activity is one of the three important activities of SSM besides mentoring and talent improvement which was held on Saturday (20/8), at 08.30 located at Auditorium Hall A and room B1 campus 1 STIE Perbanas Surabaya.

At the 2016 SSM Record event this year was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA., (Chairperson of the East Java Region VII Kopertis Coordinator), Herman Halim (Chair of the East Java Perbanas Education Foundation), Nining Febriani, S., Si. (Staff of the Surabaya City Government Environmental Agency), Dr. Lutfi. SE, M.Fin (Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya), Dr. Sasongko Budisusetyo, M.Sc., (Deputy Chair III for Student Affairs & Cooperation), Laila Saleh Marta, S.Psi, M, MT., (Chairman of SSM 2016), as well as lecturers and staff of STIE Perbanas Surabaya.

In the first series of events opened with remarks by a fully dedicated woman in the Psychology Service Unit, namely Laila Saleh Martha, who acts as the chief executive of SSM 2016. She explained that the record activity was intended to strengthen soft skills obtained by students during 14 face-to-face mentoring in addition to awards. and the appreciation that will be obtained.

"It is not easy to find a suitable theme that can combine the existing missions of STIE Perbanas as a business school that cares for the environment. To be able to make a record this year, the innovation that was carried out was to make a thousand piggy banks which today hopefully will get an award from the Latofi School of CSR, but that is not the final goal, we from the super softskill mentoring team strive to develop soft skills from colleagues. That student is the mandate of STIE Perbanas Surabaya to develop student soft skills in accordance with the grand design of soft skills, ”he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Kopertis Region VII East Java, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA explained that of the many private universities in East Java, there are 331 private universities, which are heard and observed who pay attention to the environment and have consistent activities from year to year, only STIE Perbanas Surabaya. This expression shows the fact that STIE Perbanas is fully committed to caring for the environment through SSM activities and has a positive impact on the survival of the community. SSM 2016 with a target of 1000 piggy banks that have been made to be handed over to Kindergarten students in order to foster a culture of saving easily and cheaply.

The shape of the piggy bank that was made varied from a pig, an independent cash teller, a pokemon, a car, a wall clock with the logo of Surabya, a snake, a tower, a star and so on, which made the assessment team feel confused to decide which mentor would be the winner. The team that assessed the creativity of students related to the piggy bank were a number of invited guests who attended and several appointed lecturers at STIE Perbanas Surabaya.

The 2016 SSM Record Program Coordinator, Alvians Yuliana said that the success of 1000 piggy banks was inseparable from 915 mentee students plus 56 mentors as well as directions from 10 2015 mentor committees and the lecturer committee who continued to provide direction for the success of the 2016 SSM record. Success was also experienced by one of the mentees. namely Nia Ayuning from mentor 13, "SSM must continue to be implemented because since I joined SSM, I have become more friends. Then I can pump myself more because there are soft skill values ​​that are taught as long as I attend SSM for my own record activities, this 2016 record is extraordinary because from the theme "save our earth as save aour money" which is useful for STIE students. Perbanas Surabaya and the community. The benefit for students is that they can increase creativity and the application of soft skills through the piggy banks that are made and can train solidarity between mentees, "he said.

The 2016 SSM Record Event was finally closed with the sounding of the siren bell performed by La Tofi, Dr. Lutfi, M.Fin., And Laila Saleh, S.Psi., M.MT.,. While the announcement of the winners was given during the Perbanas Got Talent which was held in the evening at the campus yard of STIE Perbanas Surabaya. (Denis)

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