Fraud Audit Workshop for East Java Regional Inspectorate Officials

Friday, 29 July 2016     View: 6581

The inspectorate institution has an important role in preventing corrupt practices at the district / city level II. So far, the role of the inspectorate needs to be maximized in order to minimize behavior that leads to corrupt practices. To provide knowledge to inspectorate officials, the Center for Research and Prevention of White Collar Crime (P3K2P) STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a 2016 East Java Regional Inspectorate Fraud Audit Workshop. Located in the seminar room Campus 1 of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, this event was attended by Inspectorate officials in district and city levels in the East Java Region. This activity was held in collaboration with STIE Perbanas Surabaya with the East Java Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) IndonesiaChapter East Java.

Chairman of the Representative of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency, Agus Setianto, in his speech said that capability improvement was needed because considering that in the future, the tasks of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) would be even more difficult. This is because the task is to improve governance and oversee local government programs, which in the end will continue to improve community services and welfare. "Because in essence, the community is the main stakeholder of every government institution. For that, please friends actively explore the knowledge and experience of the instructors, both instructors from Perbanas and BPKP, ”he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Lutfi, SE., M.Fin., When opening the event, said that the campus also has the responsibility to improve the competence of inspectorate officials, especially auditors in the Inspectorate in East Java. "The implementation of this fraud audit workshop is intended as a form of participation in terms of improving the quality of human resources, especially the capability of auditors in the Inspectorate in East Java," he explained.

According to Audit Fraud is an activity that detects and examines errors that occur in several activities such as transaction management, summarizing processes and results of financial reports to job errors or errors due to the omission / negligence of certain individuals and agencies. On that occasion, the instructors who were presented included: Prof. Dr. Drs. R. Wilopo, Ak., CFE (Chairperson of P3K2P and Chair of ACFE East Java Region), Drs. Prajoga Widodo, Ak., M.Sc., CA., CPA (Head of SPI East Java Perbanas Education Foundation), Nasrul Wathon, Ak., M.Sc., CFE., CFr.A., BKP., CA (BPKP ), Drs. Sugiarto, Ak., MM., CAAP., CA (BPKP), and Sulasmono, SE., Ak. (BPKP).

According to the Chairman of P3K2P STIE Perbanas Surabaya and Chairman of the East Java Region ACFE, Prof. Dr. Drs. R. Wilopo, Ak., CFE., A similar event was held in the previous year with a more general theme, namely auditing. However, the theme in 2016 was further reduced to fraud audits. Audit fraud is motivated by the corruption rating that Indonesia carries is in the bad category and the majority of those who commit acts of corruption are regional level officials such as regents and heads of related offices. "The plan is that activities like this (audit fraud) will be carried out in the coming year by considering the problems that occur and hope that participants will also increase from the current year," he hoped. (Denis / Eko)

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