Marhaban Ramadhan Istighosah with the Academic Community
The blessings and enjoyment of the month of Ramdahan are extraordinary. A number of agencies, institutions, and communities have welcomed Ramadan in various ways and their respective uniqueness so that their solemnity is felt deep down. Likewise, what was done by STIE Perbanas Surabaya in the first week of the month of Ramadan. The Business and Banking Campus held an Istighosah activity to celebrate the achievement of the "KARTIKA" Excellent Campus Award (AKU). Taking place at the Auditorium of Campus 1 STIE Perbanas, the event was attended by leaders, lecturers, employees, and Jamaah Majlis Ta'lim Darun Najah Surabaya, on Friday (10/6).
Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Lutfi, SE., M.Fin., In his speech conveyed that the Istighosah activity was held to express gratitude for the reward received by the green campus, the category of the Best High School from Kopertis Region 7, East Java. In addition, this performance is also intended to ask Allah SWT. so that STIE Perbanas Surabaya is given convenience and smoothness in the process of New Student Admission (PMB) for the 2016/2017 Academic Year. Also not left behind, hopefully in the nearest future STIE Perbanas Surabaya will immediately achieve institutional accreditation with an A.
Before the Istighosah event began, the congregation who was present first performed the Asr prayer in congregation. Furthermore, the Istighosah event was started and led directly by the leader of Majlis Ta'lim Darun Najah Surabaya, Ali Alwi AlMaghfuri. The basmalah recitation also opens the Istighosah event followed by washilah / tawasul a series of readings of the nature of Allah SWT, istighfar, hamdalah, several surahs in the Al-Quran and all the prayers addressed to God the Greatest, Allah SWT and the great prophet Muhammad SAW.
After carrying out the Istighosah, Kang Wi (Ali Alwi AlMaghfuri's nickname) also delivered a prayer and a few words before closing the event. "Congregation istighosah and Tahlil who are blessed by Allah SWT., Alhamdulillah with the holding of this Istighosah and Tahlil, I hope all prayers will be answered, and hopefully we will always be given physical, spiritual health and can reach the blessed month of Ramadan. Aamiin, ”Kangwi concluded. (Denis / Eko)