Leche Fruita, New Innovation Enjoy Dairy Products

Sunday, 24 April 2016     View: 7309

In the community, dairy products are not new to be known and consumed. This is because a number of Indonesians have consumed milk in the form of drinks or mixed with other food ingredients. Have you ever consumed milk after going through the frying process? If not, you need to be familiar with Leche Fruita (fried milk) food products. So, what is the Leche Fruita food product?

Final semester students of STIE Perbanas Surabaya have found new innovations to enjoy milk. They are listed as Bachelor of Marketing Management students, namely: Andhika Persada Putra, Mei Dina Prasetyani, and Hendy Himawan Enonto. The idea for Lache Fruita's product originated from a post about fried milk culinary on the Facebook social media account. "Considering that fried milk is not familiar among the public, we try to create this product with a different look and taste. Finally, we decided on a product called Leche Fruita or fried milk with orange slices, "Andhika explained to the editorial team some time ago.

The head of the Leche Fruita product team, Mei Dina Prasetyani, explained that the process of making the food is quite simple and easy. "First, we prepare the ingredients used, among others: full cream milk (liquid), wheat flour, egg corn flour, bread flour, sugar, cooking oil, and oranges. The initial process, the dough is made from a number of these ingredients and frozen in the freezer for + 24 hours. After that, take out the frozen dough and cut it to the size of risoles. The pieces are covered in egg and breadcrumbs, then fried at a temperature below 45 degrees Celsius. Be the Leche Fruita food to be consumed as a snack or dessert, ”explained Mei Dina in detail.

The efforts and hard work they put in have finally produced results that are quite encouraging and their ideas should be reckoned with. Because, in the 2016 Perbanas Entrepreneur Awards (PEA), they won first place from dozens of participants who followed. They also received trophies and awards directly from the Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Lutfi, SE, M.Fin. They admitted that they were shocked, disbelieving, even mlongo, hearing the readings of the winners in the competition.

The plan, this Leche Fruita product will be produced in the form of frozen food (frozen food). However, so far they are still constrained in the production process because they are still busy in lectures so there is no time for production. To fill the time during college, they tried to vary it with other tastes. "We will also prepare laboratory tests related to nutritional and nutritional content as well as food resistance. Hopefully, after we finish college, our food products will also be ready to be produced in large parties, ”added Hendy.

In the future, they have planned to develop Leche Fruita food products by promoting them through social media accounts, one of which is Instagram. Apart from that, they were offered to join forces with other people to set up a food depot that included their products as one of their dessert menus. "Hopefully our hope can be realized and successful in running a business. With the knowledge we received at STIE Perbanas Surabaya, we will try to be entrepreneurial so that our alma mater graduates will have no difficulty finding work but it is easy to create jobs, "he said. (Eko)

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