PLS and Mendeley Smart Workshop: Managing Reference, Citation, and Bibliography at STIE Perbanas Surabaya

Tuesday, 01 March 2016     View: 8068

Routines in the Seminar Room at STIE Perbanas Surabaya were once again busy with the holding of Smart PLS and Mendeley Workshops: Managing References, Citation, and Bibliography to Improve Research Performance on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. The event which was held by the PPPM unit STIE Perbanas Surabaya invited internal and external speakers. , seen Yudi Sutarso, M.Si, a lecturer at STIE Perbanas Surabaya and Dr. Ari Kamayanti, SE, Ak, M.Si, a lecturer at Universitas Brawijaya who presented Mendeley material: Managing References, Citation, and Bibliography to Improve Research Performance.
Attended by almost all STIE Perbanas Surabaya lecturers they listened to material starting at 08.00 WIB divided into 2 sessions. In the first session, the lecturers were introduced to the PLS software where the software is a statistical software to help researchers analyze data for researchers to refresh that in conducting research, test equipment is not only fixated on one software and can be defeated with its research objectives. In the second session started after lunch, the lecturers were given Mendeley material: Managing References, Citations, and Bibliographies in order to improve research performance which is expected to help researchers organize references, citations, and bibliographies that are conveyed and practiced by Mrs. Ari Kamayanti very much. interactive, not a few lecturers who seemed enthusiastic to ask questions and immediately put them into practice.
Until the closing of the event, which handled with the delivery of souvenir gifts, represented by Dr.Dra.Ec. Rr. Iramani M.Si as the head of PPPM STIE Perbanas Surabaya to Dr. Ari Kamayanti, SE, Ak, M.Si and all the participants of the photo workshop together. "It is hoped that this workshop can increase lecturers' interest in internal research as well as research funded by external parties and improve teacher performance in implementing" Dr. Soni Harsono, SE, M.Si in hopes of this workshop. (Jazu / Ind)

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