The Inaugural Cybernetic Fest Held by Informatics UHW Perbanas

Saturday, 24 February 2024     View: 3408

Cyber security has been in the spotlight lately. Not only companies but also individuals who own digital data need to secure it to avoid cyber attacks. So, what are the recommended ways and tips for maintaining cyber security for users?

Addressing this challenge, the Bachelor of Informatics program at Hayam Wuruk University Perbanas held a seminar on Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence in the Modern Era, on Saturday (2/24). Located at the 10th Floor Auditorium of the Wonorejo Campus, this event marks the inaugural program of the 2024 Cybernetic Fest initiated by the Student Community and the Informatics Program at UHW Perbanas.

Muhammad Zainuddin, the Chairperson of Informatic Cybernetic UHW Perbanas, stated that this event is a manifestation of dedication and spirit of informatics students in exploring and understanding cyber security and artificial intelligence more deeply. Indeed, both topics are critical and highly relevant in today's digital age.

"The development of technology, especially in artificial intelligence, brings about many changes in how we live, work, and interact. However, along with that progress, we are also faced with increasingly complex and dynamic cyber security challenges," Zainuddin explained.

According to Gaguk Supriyanto, the seminar speaker, many types of digital attacks emerged during 2023. These attacks include: Ransomware, Phishing, Endpoint Devices, MITM Attack, IoT, and Cloud Security. He also provided advice and tips for digital data users to prevent cyber crimes. Some of the things that can be done include: being cautious when opening email attachments; undergoing security training/awareness programs; being careful with post-it notes; using strong/unique passwords; enabling screen autolock/autolockoff features; and using Auto Update Patch or Original Apps.

"For example, when creating a password, we should make it strong by combining numbers, letters, and characters/symbols. Although it may be difficult to remember later on, it is also one way to secure the digital assets we own," Gaguk advised digital asset owners. (eko/hms)

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