UHW Perbanas Lecturer Team's E-Business Application Applied to MSMEs

Wednesday, 13 December 2023     View: 4143

The difficulty of recording and reporting finances run by MSMEs has attracted the attention of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University lecturers. His party also innovated to make an E-Business Application to facilitate business management. In this application, business actors can get real-time reports related to their business activities. The convenience begins with making standard procedures, recording transactions, and preparing financial reports.

Coordinator of the Community Service Lecturer Team, Dr. Supriyati, S.E., Ak., M.Si., said the E-Business Application was initially applied to MSMEs in Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya. Then in the Partnership-Based MSME Development Program Grant activity in 2023, it applied the E-Business application for DessertandChill MSMEs located in Semolowaru Elok, Surabaya City.

"This E-Business Application is website-based. So, business actors can directly record finances in the application," explained Supriyati during the Forum Group Discussion on Wednesday (13/12).

She continued, on the website customers are also given the convenience to choose products. They can even order the products of their choice and are directly connected to the WhatsApp contacts of MSME players.

"So far, if there are orders, they still contact the perpetrators directly and the recording is still manual. Because there are no landing pages about product descriptions or details. From now on, DessertandChill MSMEs can take advantage of this innovation which is collaborated with digital marketing," he added.

Meanwhile, DessertandChill MSME player Anita admitted that she was greatly helped by the E-Business application. The reason is, consumers who are usually from Surabaya and surrounding areas can now be reached from outside Surabaya because our website is available.

"I thank you for being helped a lot by the UHW Perbanas Lecturer Team. Hopefully this assistance will continue to be provided to other MSMEs so that business actors like us can move forward," he hoped. (eko/PR)

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