Information System Effective Accountant Professional Performance

Thursday, 02 May 2019     View: 8561

Rapid technological developments make competition between companies increasingly tight. For this reason, companies must obtain information that is fast, accurate, timely and up to date in carrying out their business processes. With this, STIE Perbanas Surabaya again held Smart Talk with Sindo Radio with the theme "Accounting Records Using Technology Application Through Computerized Accounting Information Systems" on Thursday, (02/05/2019).

Located in Room A302 Campus 2 STIE Perbanas Surabaya Jl. Timur Wonorejo No.16 Surabaya, this event aims to enable students to know clearly about the functions and benefits that we can get if we use a computerized Accounting Information System and what steps we should take so that the accounting role is not replaced with robots. In this smart talk with Sindo, it was led by three speakers, namely Agustina Ratna Dwiati, SE., MSA., CPSAK. as a lecturer at STIE Perbanas Surabaya, and both students Cornelia Oribel and Hana Fitri Septanti.

In his presentation, Agustina Ratna stated that one of the technological developments in the world of accountants that is very important to note is a computerized information system. In order to run well, when running an accounting information system several elements are needed, such as trained human resources (HR), running every procedure, financial data form to record all financial activities, connected hardware, Accounting Software, for example MYOB and Orcale Finance . If we distinguish a computerized system that is used now with a manual accounting system, it is very different, it looks effective in terms of a more effective computerized system of manuals, and computerized can minimize loss, damage, and supposition of data because the data stored at the beginning will automatically saved to the database.

In addition, a computerized accounting information system is very helpful for accountants to manage in making decisions and processing data effectively and efficiently so that information becomes more accurate, also able to guarantee security from the data or information itself. "In learning, STIE Perbanas Surabaya applies two types of learning, namely manually and system. "Hopefully, STIE Perbanas Surabaya students can find out the basics of their knowledge clearly and then adjust directly to the technology that exists when working in companies going public," he explained.

While Cornelia Oribel added that a person can never be replaced by a robot because robots cannot analyze, while the accounting profession that already has knowledge and basic accounting, it will be easy to analyze and make decisions. (Della/Eko)

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