Expanding Partnership with Sharia Economic Institutions, UHW Perbanas Collaborates with Yayasan Yatim Mandiri

Wednesday, 22 February 2023     View: 2630

The Bachelor of Sharia Economics Program at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University has initiated a collaboration with Yayasan Yatim Mandiri (Independent Orphan Foundation). This initiative aims to expand partnerships with Sharia economic institutions. In this regard, the role of the Sharia Economics undergraduate program at UHW Perbanas is to contribute to and provide solutions to the challenges and operational issues faced by Sharia institutions.
Dr. Lutfi, S.E., M.Fin., Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UHW Perbanas, mentioned the synergy that can be achieved through research and community service activities. Previously, research had also been conducted by UHW Perbanas at Yayasan Yatim Mandiri.
"Starting from that research, we can contribute more broadly. This is an opportunity for faculty members and students, especially those in the Sharia Economics program. Considering the high motivation for sharing knowledge, we must support each other in the collaboration that will be carried out later," stated Lutfi during the initiation of the collaboration at the Wonorejo Campus on Wednesday (February 22).
UHW Perbanas also opens opportunities for collaboration beyond Sharia economic activities. Lutfi added that there are various student organizations and programs that can support operational activities within the Yayasan Yatim Mandiri.
"We will coordinate with the Vice Rector of UHW Perbanas for Student Affairs and Cooperation to establish mechanisms for the involvement of student organizations, such as the Islamic Spiritual Activities Unit (UKKI). So far, the internship activities of UHW Perbanas students are integrated into the Independent Learning Campus program. Therefore, their activities are also recognized administratively by the ministry," he added.
In response, Yayasan Yatim Mandiri welcomed the proposed collaboration initiative. In the near future, during the Ramadan month of 2023, a prominent Imam from Palestine will be present to lead the Friday prayers during the fasting month. The management of Al Haliim Mosque at UHW Perbanas can be given the opportunity for this. This was mentioned by the Head of Training at Mandiri Entrepreneur Centre Yatim Mandiri, M. Arif, S.Ag.
"During Ramadan, we can organize events, including charity for orphaned children, which can be held at UHW Perbanas," said M. Arif, accompanied by Deddy Suyanto, S.H. (Manager of Endowment Fundraising) and Muhammad Ali Rosyidi (Head of Retail at Yatim Mandiri Surabaya)
In this auspicious occasion, the Rector of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si., and the Head of the Sharia Economics Program at UHW Perbanas, Dr. Dra. Ec. Wiwik Lestari, M.Si., signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate with Yayasan Yatim Mandiri. The hope is that both parties will receive mutual benefits that support their collective progress. (PR)


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