We are Strong, We are Great" Theme of Vidcom 2022

Saturday, 17 December 2022     View: 2160

Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 07.30 WIB. The Publishing Student Unit of Fiducia Campus, Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Surabaya, held the Video Competition 2022 program with the theme "We are Strong, We are Great." The purpose of choosing this theme is to motivate the competing participants to be more diligent and enthusiastic. Although this event was held online, it did not diminish the enthusiasm of the participants who attended to enliven the event.
Irham Mutiara Adi, as the head organizer, directly appointed Mr. Thomas Hanandry as the judge on the grounds that he is a practitioner, artist, and has long experience in multimedia. It can be seen from his works that are often exhibited, and also from his connections with multimedia people. And Irham himself also knows Mr. Thomas from television and works that are often exhibited in malls, art galleries, and also he is a multimedia lecturer at several campuses.
Irham Mutiara Adi, as the head organizer, conveyed a message and impression for the Video Competition 2022 event, "Grateful because the participants are enthusiastic about collecting their video works and proud because not only internal participants but there are also external participants who participate, his message is for the participants maybe from their works in the future can be improved and developed again, as Mr. Thomas has explained, participants can see video or film references from several filmmakers and also some films from Disney, so that if there is another video competition, participants can understand aesthetics, structure, and systematic theory, so that future video works can be even better." (PR)


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