In collaboration with the Director General of Tax, STIE Perbanas Surabaya Open the Tax Center

Wednesday, 13 February 2019     View: 7576

Gandeng Dirjen Pajak, STIE Perbanas Surabaya Buka Tax CenterSTIE Perbanas Surabaya cooperates with the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) to open a Tax Center. The opening was marked by the signing of the MoU between the Chairperson of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Sc., with the Head of East Java I Directorate General of Tax Regional Office, Eka Sila Kusna Jaya at Widya Mandala University Surabaya, Wednesday (2/13).

Eka Sila Kusna Jaya said that the Tax Center is used as a center for information, education and training, which has a significant role in raising awareness and concern for the public to understand their tax rights and obligations so that they can finally realize the nation's independence. The goal is that the Tax Center will be able to encourage and provide a forum for conducting tax assessment, research and socialization activities in universities.

"This activity is an effort to gather increased tax revenues optimally by involving stakeholders throughout the community. In the context of the inauguration of the Tax Center, it wants to involve the entire academic community so that there is a hope that there will be a means to educate anyone, both students, lecturers, and administrative staff, "explained Eka Sila Kusna Jaya.

He continued, the number of university Tax Centers in his area had reached 15 places. These include the latest 4 Tax Centers, namely STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Widya Manda Catholic University Surabaya, University 45 Surabaya, and NSC Surabaya. "The plan might be to target around 20 universities in Surabaya," he added.

According to him, the addition of this tax center cannot be measured directly with the existence of a tax that will contribute to the increase in taxes. The reason, planting awareness of taxpayers is a long-term investment to educate students and actors in the world of education to take responsibility and role in taxes.

"The context is to build awareness so that day after day is better. We do this through higher education, and later also for example taxes goes to school, or any program involving elementary, middle and high school is not from a university, "he said.

It is known, now that almost 82% of the nation's financing has been borne by taxes. So, he invites all orderly tax elements to support the financing of this nation's life independently.

Meanwhile, Chairperson of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Sc., said that the Tax Center for the campus they lead was considered important. Later, the existence of the STIE Perbanas Surabaya Tax Center is used for socialization about taxation because students are also prospective taxpayers. In addition, lecturers and employees can know how well about taxes in terms of intention and administration.

"I think this field is very important for the community to encourage an increase in taxpayers. "This tax center will be under the auspices of an accounting study program, both for tax socialization and its studies," he concluded. (Eko.r)

0 MoU Tax Center dan DJP Pajak 8


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