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Strengthening Digital Archiving Skills, University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Conducts Workshop with SMIT ITS Speaker

Thursday, 11 August 2022     View: 3539

The University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (UHW Perbanas) always takes various steps to become an excellent university, particularly in this digital era. In addition to academic and non-academic aspects, UHW Perbanas also considers archiving to be an important organizational element. To enhance the implementation of archival functions and tasks, UHW Perbanas organized a Higher Education Archive Management Workshop in Room C.401, Building C, on Wednesday (10/8). The event featured Mr. Agus Santoso, S.Sos., M.Med.Kom (Coordinator of SMIT ITS Certified Education Program), who has 12 years of experience in the field of archives, as the speaker. Representatives from various units within the UHW Perbanas environment attended the event.

Archiving is a crucial aspect of institutional file management. Through systematic archiving, all activities, personnel, and minutes can be easily located. It is important to note that UHW Perbanas already has a strong institutional system for managing archives. However, to adapt to the digital environment, the campus requires an enhanced understanding of more intensive archiving techniques.

During the presentation session, Mr. Agus Santoso, S.Sos., M.Med.Kom covered four topics. The first topic discussed the urgency of archive management in supporting administrative order, the second topic covered archiving and archive classification, the third topic discussed assessment and final depreciation, and the last topic covered electronic-based archive management.

Through this workshop, each unit has increased awareness that archives serve as a form of accountability. If an archive is lost, the level of accountability and credibility in an activity becomes suboptimal. Therefore, it is crucial to preserve and pay attention to archives. With this workshop, it is expected that the archiving activities at UHW Perbanas will further improve to strengthen the services provided. (AA)

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