Inaugurating the Management for the 2022-2023 Period, UHW Perbanas Adds One Student Organization

Tuesday, 09 August 2022     View: 4608

The Chancellor of the University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas inaugurated the Student Organization Management (Ormawa) for the 2022/2023 period, on Tuesday (8/9). Located in Room C401 Wonorejo Campus, the inauguration ceremony was held in a Hybrid (offline and online) manner and was attended by the Manager of each ormawa.

Based on the Decree of the Head of the University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Number 5434/Kp.40000/08/22 regarding the Appointment of Student Organization Managers for the 2022/2023 Period, explained that as many as 24 Ormawa officially started new management.

"This year, we inaugurated a new board of Ormawa, namely the Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering and Design. So, in total there are 24 ormawa administrators starting this period," said Dr. Drs. Soni Harsono, M.Sc., as Vice Chancellor 3 for Student Affairs and Cooperation when met after the inauguration.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Sc., added that the form of student organization on campus is different from other universities. At UHW Perbanas, the organizations that appear are miniatures of business organizations so that the mention of their positions has a business nuance, such as Manager, Vice Manager, or others.

“We have been teaching the concept of business organization since the 2000s. We are indeed a business design, the organization is a miniature business organization. In fact, the organization's activities are almost the same in the business world, with a total of 350 various activities," he explained.

Yudi continued, the student organization in his campus environment aims to develop the abilities of the students themselves. The reason is, someday they will enter the world of work and meet various characters of professional people in business. Along the way, student organizations at UHW Perbanas also conducted internal and external audits to determine their performance.

“We have also prepared a separate website for UHW Perbanas organizations to measure their activities on a regular basis. Everything is integrated on the page, starting from budget submission activities, fund reporting, student activities to internal and external audit steps. This does not mean that other campuses will implement a digital system,” he said.

Secretary of the Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering and Design, Qariza Arifianti admitted that his party and the team were indeed the new administrators of the ormawa. "Our initial mission is of course to accommodate the potential of engineering and design students who will all be based in the IT field," she hoped.




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