SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT


Master of Management II Series Webinar Activities Build Positive Employee Experiences in the Workplace Through Job Crafting

Monday, 20 June 2022     View: 3492

Master of Management II Series Webinar Activities Build Positive Employee Experiences in the Workplace Through Job Crafting

This time the Management Series Webinar activity is a Master of Management Study Program which is part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hayam Wuruk University, Perbanas. In addition, the important point of this webinar is Building Positive Employee Experiences in the Workplace Through Job Crafting. This event was attended by our resource person, Dr. Tjahjani Prawito, M.M., Psychologist and Dr. Emma Julianti, S.E., M.M as well as Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Hayam Wuruk University, Perbanas. Dr. Ronny, S. Kom., M. Kom as Chair of the Master of Management Study Program at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University, Vega Hardikasari as moderator as well as student recipients of the Master of Management scholarship at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University in 2020, and participants from inside and outside the campus who very enthusiastic.

The material presented related to Building Positive Employee Experiences in the Workplace Through Job Crafting is active behavior in which employees make physical and/or cognitive changes to tasks or personal relationships in the work environment. Activities undertaken by employees to change jobs in order to improve themselves; can be procedural (physical / procedure) or social and cognitive. Benefits of Job Crafting, namely Activities carried out by employees to change jobs in order to improve themselves; can be procedural (physical / procedure) or social and cognitive. The Job Identity Model explains that JC is the result of 3 proactive employee behaviors which include: task crafting, relational crafting, and cognitive crafting (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001 in de genarro, 2019). Strategies for Developing Job Crafting in the Workplace, namely Employees as initiators and organizations as facilitators and providing support. Job crafting is an all-time process, not an activity that is done at one time. JC will be effective if employees are given space, opportunity and encouragement to be interested in implementing JC in order to carry out their duties and work better. Turn the job you have into a job you love. If you can't do the work you love, at least try to love the work you do.

The purpose and benefits of Employee Experience Management is to be able to build human resources that are service-oriented. Employee experience is not about special facilities such as flexible work policies, benefits packages with various attractive options for employees, but is an employee's impression related to how the organization's efforts in meeting the needs, wants and expectations of employees. And also an impression of the journey of the employee's work life in the organization, including all interactions of the employee with the organization. Before, during and after the employee's career. Company management values ​​employee experience as important. But only 22% are very good at building employee experience. Employees with positive experiences 52% increase in employee retention. 60% of employees want to stay with the company. 69% became higher performers. As new hires they want to learn and understand the company culture in order to understand where and how to fit into the community, start easily so they can focus on the new team and its roles, rather than focusing on system issues and work tools. And as employees also want to generate special ideas for new products or services, focus attention on customer needs, improve performance to help the organization's revenue growth, and avoid work errors, work accidents, and achieve superior performance. As a former employee, I also want to share good things about the company with others, defend if anyone vilifies the image of the company or organization, recommend others to work for the company, remember all the sweet memories while at the company as part of a meaningful life history. (Moonsya)

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