UHW Perbanas Lecturer Trains Educator Competence and School Media Management

Thursday, 19 May 2022     View: 5370

The use of technology in the field of learning is a necessity. Educators can take advantage of a variety of applications and creative learning media so that the learning atmosphere is more interesting and fun. However, not all schools can meet these demands given the uneven competence of educators, inadequate supporting facilities, to the declining motivation of educators and the lack of skill in managing school promotional media. This is what is also experienced by one of the Islamic Elementary Schools (SDI) Al Khoiriyyah which is located at Jl. Wonorejo Gg. Mosque No. 1 - 2, Wonorejo, Rungkut, Surabaya.

This situation was responded by two teams of lecturers from Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University to carry out Community Service based on the signing of a cooperation document from both parties. The first team of UHW Perbanas Lecturers provided training related to the motivation of local elementary school teachers and the use of learning technology to attract interest while learning. Furthermore, the second team supports the management of school promotion media through websites and social media which so far have not been optimally touched.

Head of Research, Community Service, and Cooperation of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Muazaroh, M.T., said that by recognition SDI Al Khoiriyyah Surabaya had obtained B accreditation based on the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture database. His party also observed the school and found a number of obstacles that must be immediately resolved.

“We are here to motivate and provide an understanding of professional educators. Where the last few years are considered to have decreased due to the pandemic. In addition, we also provide briefing on the use of technology in the learning process," said Muazaroh, who is also the head of the first team of local Community Service Lecturers.

In addition, in terms of school governance, the Chair of the Second Lecturer Team, Mochamad Nurhadi, S.Kom., M.M., also supports in optimizing the role of the school's website and social media for promotional activities. According to him, so far there has been no special attention and competence from schools in efforts to collect data and information that leads to promotional activities so that they can be reached by the wider community.

“Departing from these conditions, the team of lecturers in the Information Systems S1 Study Program and the Informatics S1 UHW Perbanas tried to devote their expertise to managing school information media. This training is expected to improve the competence of teachers and admin staff of SDI Al Khoiriyyah Surabaya so that they are skilled in presenting information to students, parents/guardians, and the general public," added Moch. Nurhadi on the sidelines of training on Thursday, (19/5).

Meanwhile, the Principal of the Al Khoiriyyah Islamic Elementary School in Surabaya, Nur Cholis Shaleh, S.Sos., felt very helpful in managing his school. The reason is that this is the first time he has carried out such a training activity with the teachers and admin staff. "Thank you to the Chancellor of UHW Perbanas for the program that is currently being carried out. This program is very helpful in efforts to increase motivation, innovation, and teacher competence so that it has an impact on better quality. Hopefully, this relationship will continue, not just for training, but for informal discussions and visits to discuss improving the quality of education,” he hoped. (eco/hms)

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