SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT


Latest Report on Himapas Inauguration for 2022-2023 Period..

Monday, 14 March 2022     View: 4055

Saturday, March 12, 2021 At 10.00 WIB, the Master of Management at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University held the inauguration of the Management of the Postgraduate Student Association (HIMAPAS) for the 2022/2023 period online via Zoom Meeting. These two periods of inauguration with a virtual atmosphere. This is because the Covid-19 pandemic is still not over and to ensure that this pandemic ends soon, the inauguration will be held online. Even so, the sense of solemnity and sacredness in this inauguration can be felt. In this inauguration, it began with the submission of the HIMAPAS Accountability Report for the 2020/2021 Period which was submitted by the Chairperson of Himapas, Amilia Jasmin Nabila. Next is the reading of the decree and the inauguration of the Himapas management for the 2022/2023 period, led by Dr. Ronny, S.Kom., M.Kom., MH as the Head of the Master of Management Study Program at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University. The Himapas management for the 2022/2023 period is 34 students, HIMAPAS which has been stated in SK No.2867/Kp.20200/02/2022 dated March 1, 2022, it is hoped that HIMAPAS can synergize and jointly carry out the Vision and Mission of the Master of Management Study Program to create activities that are useful and increase achievement for students and study programs.

In a series of inauguration events, HIMAPAS was attended by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University, namely Dr. Lutfi, SE, M.Fin, and Mr/Mrs Lecturer of Master of Management PS, delivered remarks by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business that students are a mirror of a university, student success shows the success of universities in organizing the tridharma.

The purpose of the establishment of HIMAPAS is to bridge students to further develop their knowledge, become a forum for aspirations for all students and can provide benefits to those around them and support the creation of superior study programs. One of the work programs run by HIMAPAS is organizing national seminars, international seminars, international conferences and community service activities. (TDP)

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