52nd Anniversary of UHW Perbanas: Continue the Relay of Campus Excellence Post-Transformation

Friday, 28 January 2022     View: 5520

Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University which was transformed from STIE Perbanas Surabaya, has now turned 52 years old on January 29, 2022. The journey so far is certainly not an easy thing. Many challenges and obstacles were passed in order to become one of the leading campuses in Indonesia. A series of achievements as an Excellent Campus has also been achieved until it finally turned into a university with A (Very Good) accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT).

This year, the 52nd Anniversary activities are packaged simply and are dominated by virtual activities. However, several social activities, such as Blood Donation, Social Service, Cleaning Contest, and Tumpeng Decorating Contest were held with limited health protocols. The event took place boldly, including: Webinars, International Conferences, Smart Contests, Karaoke Contests, Business Plan Poster Contests, Social Media Video Contests, E-Sports, to the 52nd Anniversary of the Summit. -19.

With the theme “A Relay of Excellence: In Path to be Biztech University”, this year's 52nd Anniversary of UHW Perbanas wants to spread enthusiasm to the academic community. That excellence in governance, quality, and quality is continued in accordance with the development of education.

Rector of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, M.Si., also emphasized that the reason for this site is to provide benefits to the nation and state. The benefits provided are in the form of graduates and knowledge. "So those two results are why we are all here at this university," he wrote.

Yudi continued, there is also a change in the vision of the campus from the relay of vision from business and banking to now a business and technology campus. However, in our predicate there is no change. Our institution still wants to be Leading, Outstanding, and Global. In the banking sector, it remains our competitive advantage,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for UHW Perbanas Resources, Dra. Gunasti Hudiwinarsih, M.Sc., Ak., added that the campus that houses her is now also here to provide benefits to the community. Currently, for residents of the City of Surabaya, UHW Perbanas donates a number of basic food packages to Social Service activities. “We distributed around 125 food packages, including: Rice, Cooking Oil, Sugar, and others. We hope that it can reduce the burden of daily needs for residents in the neighborhood around campus, "he hoped. (eko/hms)

The Leading Business and Banking School

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